Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 15th January, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Courtyard Room - Hammersmith Town Hall

Contact: Katia Richardson  Tel: 020 8753 2368

No. Item


Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held on 4 December 2017 pdf icon PDF 255 KB


That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 4 December  2017 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record of the proceedings, and that the outstanding actions be noted.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Sue Macmillan.


Declaration of Interests

If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a particular item, whether or not it is entered in the Authority’s register of interests, or any other significant interest which they consider should be declared in the public interest, they should declare the existence and, unless it is a sensitive interest as defined in the Member Code of Conduct, the nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest or other significant interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance and speak, then the Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration. Councillors who have declared other significant interests should also withdraw from the meeting if they consider their continued participation in the matter would not be reasonable in the circumstances and may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest.


Councillors are not obliged to withdraw from the meeting where a dispensation to that effect has been obtained from the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee. 


Councillor Lisa Homan declared an interest as a Chelsea season ticket holder.  She did not participate in the debate nor vote.


The work of the Youth Council - presentation item


This item was withdrawn.


Ending Rough Sleeping In Hammersmith & Fulham - Report Of The Hammersmith & Fulham Rough Sleeping Commission pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Sue Fennimore, the Deputy Leader, expressed her gratitude to the Commissioners for all their hard work in producing such important recommendations which would assist the Council in eliminating rough sleeping in the Borough and set landmarks for the government to also reduce rough sleeping to zero.


Shepherd Glendine, Head of Housing Solutions, welcomed the findings of the Commission and noted the council would be promoting its recommendations to Central government.  Officers would now draft an action plan and costing to implement the report’s recommendations.


The Leader formally thanked all the commissioners and noted that it’s the Council’s moral duty to end rough sleeping in the Borough.


1.1.        That the Council welcomes the H&F Rough Sleeping Commission report’s findings.


1.2.        That the Council promotes the report’s findings and recommendations to (and seeks to influence) central government, the Mayor of London, the H&F Clinical Commissioning Group and other parties to whom the recommendations are directed for action.


1.3.        That officers are tasked with producing an action plan with costings, for the implementation of the recommendations directed at the Council.



Report Of The Hammersmith And Fulham Biodiversity Commission pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


Morag Carmichael, Chair, and some members of the Biodiversity Commission attended the meeting speaking in support of the Commission’s recommendations.  They highlighted the following key findings: -


·         The need to appoint an Ecology officer and establish an ecology centre in the Borough.

·         The Council should support Greenfest which would open HF to green visitors.

·         The Council to support a greater green projects award

·         Biodiversity is related to health and wellbeing and has a positive impact on air quality.


Councillor Wesley Harcourt thanked the Commissioners for all their works particularly as residents who have given their time and expertise to develop key green policies. The Council is currently looking for resources to implement the recommendations move the issues forward.



1.1.        That the Council welcomes the Biodiversity Commission report’s findings.


1.2.        That the Council promotes the report’s findings and recommendations to central government, the Mayor of London and other parties to whom the recommendations are directed for action.


1.3.        That officers are tasked with producing an action plan and costings for the implementation of the recommendations directed at the Council.



Renewal Of Enhanced Policing Contract pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Fennimore expressed her delighted that the Council continued its commitment to support our police force and provide the greatest number of Council funded police officers on our street.



That the renewal of the Enhanced Policing Team (EPT) contract with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), including the two BID funded officers, for a period of one year to March 2019 at a net cost to the Council of up to £1,649,000, be approved.



Community Asset Transfer pdf icon PDF 311 KB


Michael Angus, the Barons Court Project Director, was unable to attend the meeting. Councillor Culhane read out a short-prepared speech outlined below on his behalf.


“The Board and myself are delighted that the Cabinet, this evening, are considering the transfer of the Freehold of 69 Talgarth Road, W14 9DD (Barons Court Project) to the charity. This transfer will help to make the charity more sustainable. We have been serving residents of Hammersmith and Fulham, who are homeless or living with mental health issues for 33 years. Whilst the economic environment has become tougher we have been able to raise funds not only to keep our services going and expand but to also invest in the premises. We have raised £27,000 in the last year for improvements to the building with new shower and wash room facilities as well as a new boiler, with the freehold raising further funds for investment becomes easier.


We know that there will always be a need in the borough for our work with some of its most vulnerable residents. Last year we had a 16% rise in attendances at our drop-in.  We are very grateful to the Council for their support and recognition of our work and considering the transfer of the freehold so that we can ensure we continue to provide services for decades to come for the local community and those who need us.”


The Leader reiterated the Council’s support for a strong third sector delivery admirable and much needed services to local residents.



1.1.     To approve the freehold transfer of the Council’s freehold interest in the subject property to Barons Court Project Limited (“BCP”) at nil consideration. To ensure the property legal documents have the appropriate pre-emption rights reserved in the transfer to preserve the Council’s position and the permitted use of the property so services can be retained.


1.2.     To note the principal terms and conditions already negotiated by the Council with Barons Court Project Limited, contained in Appendix 2attached to the exempt part of this report.


1.3.     That authority be delegated to the Director for Building & Property Management in consultation with the Director of Law and the Cabinet Member for Finance to complete the necessary legal work in transferring the freehold of the property to Barons Court Project Limited.



Capital Programme Monitor & Budget Variations, 2017/18 (Second Quarter) pdf icon PDF 487 KB


To approve the proposed budget variations to the capital programme totalling £18.7 million (summarised in Table 1 of the report and detailed in Appendix 2 attached to the report).




Corporate revenue monitor 2017/18 month 6 - 30st September 2017 pdf icon PDF 721 KB


1.1.       To confirm the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Month 6 forecast revenue outturn variances.

1.2.       To agree the departmental action plans amounting to £2.348 million, seeking to address the General Fund gross overspend forecast variance of £4.669 million and require that they identify and deliver further actions to reduce the net forecast overspend, after mitigating, actions of £2.321 million.

1.3.       To approve the proposed virements requests in appendix 11.



London Borough Of Hammersmith And Fulham's Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 233 KB


Councillor Schmid welcomed the recommendations and noted that no residents would be worst off due to universal credit.  The Leader commended the policy which assists the most vulnerable in our society particularly in a time when the Council is under immense budgetary pressure.

That the Council continues with its council tax support scheme with no changes from the current scheme. 



Council Tax Base and Collection Rate 2018-19 and Delegation of the Business Rate Estimate pdf icon PDF 302 KB

Additional documents:



2.1       That the following recommendations for the financial year 2018/19 be approved:


(i)         That the estimated numbers of properties for each Valuation Band as set out in this report be approved.


(ii)        That an estimated Collection rate of 97.5% be approved.


(iii)       That the Council Tax Base of 77,856 Band "D" equivalent properties be approved


(iv)       To delegate authority to the Strategic Finance Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to determine the business rates tax base for 2018/19.


(v)        To agree that the Council  charge a 100% council tax premium on empty properties equating to 200% of the council tax payable. When regulations allow


2.2       In relation to the London Business Rates Pooling Pilot the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham resolves to:


(i)         Approve and accept the designation by the Secretary of State as an authority within the London Business Rates Pilot Pool pursuant to 34(7)(1) of Schedule 7B Local Government Finance Act 1988.


(ii)        Participate in the London Business Rates Pilot Pool with effect from 1 April 2018.


(iii)       Delegate the authority's administrative functions as a billing authority in relation to the Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013, to the City of London Corporation acting as the Lead Authority.


(iv)       Authorise the Lead Authority to sub-contract certain ancillary administrative functions regarding the financial transactions within the Pool to the GLA as it considers expedient.


(v)        Delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer, to agree the operational details of the pooling arrangements with the participating authorities.


(vi)       Authorise the Chief Finance Officer to make any amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding, attached at Appendix 1, as may be required by the Secretary of State, and to enter into the final Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the authority.


(vii)      Authorise the Cabinet member for Finance to represent the authority in relation to consultations regarding the London Business Rates Pilot Pool consultative as may be undertaken by the Lead Authority pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding.


Procurement Strategy and Business case Integrated Management Systems pdf icon PDF 766 KB


1.1.       To approve the Integrated Management Systems Procurement Strategy and Business Case as defined in Appendix 1, leading to the reprocurement of IT systems to support (1) Resident and Business Self-Service Portal, (2) Housing Management (3) Revenues & Benefits, and (4) corporate Electronic Document Management, using the Competitive Dialogue process. That the procurement process commences in March 2018 with the aim to complete in October 2018.


1.2.        To award a Contract for Payment Processing and Income Management to Capita Business Services Ltd using Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1059.  That the contract commences in March 2018 for a period of 4 years with break points at end of years 2 and 3 and has a total cost as set out on the exempt part of this report.


1.3.        To delegate to the Strategic Finance Director, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Finance, the Cabinet member for Housing and the Deputy Leader, operational decisions relating to the procurement process for each of the formal stages taken through the competitive dialogue procedure. Subsequent contract award will be taken to cabinet for approval in Autumn 2018.



ICT Transition - Assuring Service Continuity Phase 4 - Telephony Network Services Upgrade pdf icon PDF 235 KB


1.1.       To approve the purchase of new telephony hardware and services with associated managed services from BT, for a one-off cost as set out in the exempt part of the agenda.

1.2.        To approve the programme management services from Agilisys, for a one-off cost as set out in the exempt part of the agenda.



Corporate Property Services Framework pdf icon PDF 240 KB


This report was withdrawn.



Risk Financing Proposals 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 330 KB


1.1   That the Council continues its relationship with each of the current insurers and works with them to renew all policies for a further year on best possible terms.


1.2  To delegate authority to the Strategic Finance Director, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to approve total additional insurance premium costs of up a total cost as set out on the exempt part of this report.



Acquisition Of An Interest In Land For Planning Purposes (Stamford Bridge Grounds, SW6), In Order To Engage Section 203 Of The Housing & Planning Act 2016 pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader took this item 1st on the agenda.


The Leader welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked if anyone in the audience wanted to address Cabinet on this item.  He also inquired whether anybody knew if an interested party might be on their way to the meeting to address the committee on any issues.  Nobody in the audience indicated that they wanted to speak.


He proceeded to ask if the Cabinet Members had received and considered the following documents which were sent out after the despatch of the agenda: -


·         The supplementary report containing amendments to paragraphs 4.24, 4.28 and 4.47 of the report.


·         A letter received on Friday 12th January 2018 from a firm of solicitors representing the Crosthwaite Family.


·         An Officers’ response to the letter mentioned above.


·         An email received today from Mr Nicholas Reed-Clarke, Chair of the Wandon Road Residents Association SW6 (Neighbouring Chelsea FC).


Cabinet Members acknowledged the receipt and consideration of the mentioned documents.


1.1       To note that Cabinet have considered the report, supplementary report, and all representations before reaching its decisions.


1.2.      To approve the acquisition of a leasehold interest in the relevant Land at Stamford Bridge Grounds referred to in this report (shown on the plan attached at appendix 1) for planning purposes, pursuant to Section 227 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


1.3       To approve the subsequent leaseback and associated property documents in respect of the Land pursuant to section 233(1)(a) of the 1990 Act.


1.4       That it is the intention of the Council in acquiring a leasehold interest in the relevant Land for planning purposes to engage the provisions of Section 203 of the of the Housing and Planning Act 2016, in order to override easements and other rights in respect of the Land, and to subsequently leaseback the relevant Land to enable the Club to carry out the Development.


1.5       That the terms of the acquisition as outlined in recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 above will be primarily based on the heads of terms (“the Heads of Terms”) attached at appendix 3 (in the exempt part of the Cabinet agenda), subject to any further revisions that might be agreed ahead of the Cabinet meeting by the Director of Property and Building Management and the Director of Law.


1.6       To give delegated authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development & Regeneration, and the Director of Law, to agree the approach to be adopted and to delegate to the Director of Property and Building Management and the Director of Law to finalise the Heads of Terms and ensure that the appropriate legal documents are completed.



Disposal of Fulham North Housing Office (SW6 7RX) to Shepherds Bush Housing Association (SBHA) to develop new affordable housing

pdf icon PDF 389 KB


1.1.      To agree to transfer the land at Fulham North Housing Office to Shepherd's Bush Housing Association under a land sale agreement on a 250-year lease.


1.2.      To agree to delegate authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing, the Director of Finance & Resources (Regeneration, Planning & Housing) and the Director of Building and Property Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration to complete negotiations with Shepherd's Bush Housing Association and complete a land sale agreement for the transfer of the land, and associated leases, based on the agreed heads of terms (Appendix A, contained in the exempt part of the Cabinet agenda).


1.3.      To agree to delegate authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing, and the Director of Building and Property Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration to confirm that disposal of the land will be covered by General Consents under s123 of Local Government Act 1972 and seek advice under Housing Act to dispose of the Housing land at Fulham North Housing Office or to seek the necessary consent from the Secretary of State should it be required.


1.4.      To agree to delegate authority to the Lead Director for Regeneration, Planning and Housing and the Director of Finance & Resources (Regeneration, Planning & Housing), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration to enter into a Funding Agreement with SBHA for the use of right to buy receipts in support of this scheme, should this be required.


1.5.      To approve costs of £140,000, funded from the Housing Revenue Account, for the move from the Fulham North Housing Office to 363 North End Road and Falkland House. To note the risk that an additional £75,000 of expenditure may be required.


1.6.      To approve additional annual running costs of £23,000 per year in addition to budgets already held for the Fulham North Office, for 363 North End Road. To note these costs will be funded from the Housing Revenue Account.



Chargeable Services Policy pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


To approve the Chargeable Services Policy for implementation by LBHF attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


Older People's Support & Social Inclusion Services Procurement Strategy & Business Case pdf icon PDF 283 KB


1.1       That the Procurement Strategy and Business Case for support and inclusion services for older people as set out on the exempt part of the agenda, be approved.


1.2       That a three-year contract with the option to extend for a further two-year period will be awarded to the successful tenderer.


1.3       That a contract modification in accordance with section 20.3.2 of the Council’s Contract Standing Orders to continue provision by the incumbent provider until contract award and implementation is completed, no later than 31st October 2018, be approved.


Nos.84 - 90b Fulham High Street - Section 106/Section 278 Highways Works pdf icon PDF 255 KB


1.1.       To approve the implementation of the proposed Section 106 and Section 278 highway works at a cost of £133,000 for the works for Nos.84 – 90b Fulham High Street.


1.2.        To note that cost of the works will be funded by the developer Tesco Stores Limited.



Local Plan: Adoption Of Document pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Additional documents:


1.1       That approval be given for the Local Plan to be recommended for adoption by Full Council incorporating the main modifications recommended by the Inspector (set out at Appendix 2) and the minor modifications (detailed at Appendix 3).


1.2       That approval be given to recommend to Full Council the revocation of the supplementary planning guidance identified in paragraph 4.6 of this report.



H&F Air Quality Action Plan pdf icon PDF 360 KB

Additional documents:


To approve the Air Quality Action Plan 2018-2023 to then be adopted and put in place once approval is granted by the GLA. 


Forward Plan of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 524 KB


The Key Decision List was noted.


Exclusion of Press and Public

The Cabinet is invited to resolve, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the public and press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business, on the grounds that they contain the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3of Schedule 12A of the said Act, and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption currently outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the remaining items of business on the grounds that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of a person (including the authority) as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption currently outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


[The following is a public summary of the exempt information under S.100C (2) of the Local Government Act 1972.  Exempt minutes exist as a separate document.]



Procurement Of A Water Utilities Provider For Lbhf Non-Residential Properties As Required By Water Deregulation 2017: Exempt Report


That the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.


Community Asset Transfer: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the appendices be noted.


ICT Transition - Assuring Service Continuity Phase 4 - Telephony Network Services Upgrade: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.


Corporate Property Services Framework: Exempt Aspects (E)


This report was withdrawn.



Procurement Strategy & Business Case For Integrated Management Systems: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.


Risk Financing Proposals 2018-19: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.


Acquisition Of An Interest In Land For Planning Purposes (Stamford Bridge Grounds, SW6), In Order To Engage Section 203 Of The Housing & Planning Act 2016: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the appendices be noted.


Disposal of Fulham North Housing Office (SW6 7RX) to Shepherds Bush Housing Association (SBHA) to develop new affordable housing: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the report and exempt appendices be noted.


Older People's Support & Social Inclusion Services Procurement Strategy & Business Case: Exempt Aspects (E)


That the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.