Title: Deputy Mayor
Party: Labour
Ward: West Kensington
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Councillors Daryl Brown, Florian Chevoppe-Verdier and Sally Taylor will be hosting surgeries for residents of West Kensington Ward three times a month (except in August):
• On the first Thursday of every month (except August), from 6pm to 7pm, online on MS Teams. Please call 020 8753 2018 for an appointment.
• On the second Thursday of every month (except August), from 6pm to 7pm at Bhavan Centre, 4A Castletown Road, W14 9HE.
• On the third Thursday of every month (except August), from 6pm to 7pm at St Andrews Church, Greyhound Road, W14 9SA.
Correspondence address:
Hammersmith Town
King Street
W6 9JU
Bus. phone: 020 8753 2018
Email: daryl.brown@lbhf.gov.uk