Children and Education Policy and Accountability Committee

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference


Members: 5 voting Councillors


Quorum: 3 Members of the Committee


Political proportionality:

4 Administration Members

1 Opposition Member


Co-opted Members – Statutory with voting rights on education matters:

2 Parent Governor representatives

2 Diocesan representatives


Co-opted Members – Non-statutory without voting rights:

1 teacher representative

Up to 2 additional co-opted members


Principal Functions

·       All the powers of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 and Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

·       To develop policy within the scope of the Committee and make recommendations to the Cabinet

·       Monitor the administration and spending in services within its scope

·       To review the impact of decisions and policies implemented by the Council

·       Lead responsibility for scrutinising the relevant Cabinet Members(s).



·       The education of children and young people in the borough

·       The authority's functions in its capacity as education authority

·       Special Educational Needs

·       The authority's social services functions as they relate to children

·       Safeguarding

·       Child protection

·       Children in care

·       Children and young people leaving care

·       The education and children’s services budgets including social care

·       The Employee-Led Mutual (3BM)

·       Any other matter allocated by the Policy and Oversight Board



Contact information

Support officer: Debbie Yau. Email:
