Title: Chair of Social Inclusion and Community Safety PAC
Party: Labour
Ward: Fulham Reach
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Councillors Omid Miri, Nikos Souslous, and Lucy Richardson will be hosting surgeries for residents of Fulham Reach Ward twice a month (except in August):
• On the first Thursday of every month (except August), from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Rene Davis Community Hall, Laundry Road, W6 8PZ.
• On the third Saturday of every month (except August), from 11am to 12pm at Bishop Creighton House, 374-380 Lillie Road, SW6 7PH.
Correspondence address:
Hammersmith Town Hall
King Street
W6 9JU
Bus. phone: 020 8753 2018
Email: Nikos.Souslous@lbhf.gov.uk