The decision is to agree that the Contract
with Housing 21 will start from February 2023 until 31st March
The decision is to agree that the total value of the four-year
Housing 21 Minterne Gardens contract is expected to be
The service is based on a core and flexi model which fits around
resident’s needs. This contract will provide a consistent and
sustainable Extra Care Service for resident of the borough, which
promotes independent living, enabling them to remain in their own
home for as long as possible and reduces the need for more
expensive residential care.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure/ Income - Revenue between £500,000 and £5m and Capital between £1.5m and £5m;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: White City; Wormholt;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/11/2022
Report access: Open report with exempt appendix;
Report Type: Key Decision;
Decision due: March 2025 by Deputy Leader
Department: People Department
Contact: Johan van Wijgerden Email: Tel: 07493864829.