Issue - decisions

2022/23 Corporate Revenue Monitor - Month 9 (December 2022)

18/04/2023 - Corporate Revenue Budget Review 2022/23 (Month 9 – December 2022)

1.     To delegate authority to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform, to take all decisions necessary to facilitate the closing of the final accounts.


2.     To note the General Fund forecast overspend of £1.890m.

3.     To note that the forecast drawdown from the Housing Revenue Account general balance will be £6.329m. This is £2.279m more than budgeted.

4.     To note the requirement for significant further action to reduce the forecast overspends and balance the budget.

5.     To note the in-year Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block forecasted surplus of nil.

6.     To approve General Fund virements totalling £0.190m as detailed in appendix 10.