Agenda item

Property Disposals Programme


Cabinet noted that the Youth Centre aspects of the report had been extensively discussed during the consideration of the Petition and Deputation.  Cabinet was informed of an amendment to the report to delete the first sentence of the final paragraph of page 22  "It is envisaged…in the property disposal" and Insert in its place "In order to facilitate pedestrian and vehicular access to the disposal site it may be necessary to grant rights of access across the south western end of Marcus Garvey Park.  There will be no outright disposal of open space between Gorleston Street and the disposal site, although it may be necessary to grant an easement."  The amendment was agreed.


Councillors Cowan, Murphy and Needham asked the young people and Cabinet questions.  In response, Councillor Binmore noted that there were no cuts to the youth service funding.  The Council had been able to fund more hours, venues and projects with the same level of funding.  The current service provision was a response to the outcome of a consultation with youth people who expressed a preference for youth provision through school. 


1. That officers be authorised to dispose of the properties listed below in the open market for the best price reasonably obtainable and otherwise on such terms and conditions as the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) and the Assistant Director of Building and Property Management consider appropriate in consultation with the Director of Environment and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Asset Management.


The Lodge, St John’s Walham Green


111 Devonport Road


Avonmore Centre (subject to public notice under Section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 and consideration of any objections received).


Fulham Cross Centre, Caroline Walk


34 Fulham Palace Road


Hurlingham Yard  (subject to public notice under Section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 and consideration of any objections received).


Nuffield Health Club, 77-81 Stevenage Road


Fulham Cemetery Lodge, Fulham Palace Road


2.    That the Director of Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Asset Management, be authorised to consider any objections duly received in response to public notice given under Section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 (reporting back to Cabinet only if the objection is both material and one not substantially taken into account already).

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