Agenda and minutes

Transport, Environment and Residents Services Select Committee - Tuesday, 9th November, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Courtyard Room - Hammersmith Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Gary Marson  0208 753 2278

No. Item


Minutes and Actions pdf icon PDF 72 KB

(a)    To approve as an accurate record, and the Chairman to sign, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7 September 2010 (Appendix A).


(b)    To monitor the acceptance and implementation of recommendations

         as set out at Appendix B.


Additional documents:




a)      The minutes of the meeting of the Environment and Residents Services Committee held on 7 September 2010 be confirmed and signed as a correct record; and

b)      Progress with the acceptance and implementation of recommendations be noted



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Ali de Lisle, Wesley Harcourt and Matt Thorley.


Declarations of Interest

If a Councillor has any prejudicial or personal interest in a particular item they should declare the existence and nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a prejudicial interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Standards Committee. 


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance, then the Councillor with a prejudicial interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration unless the disability has been removed by the Standards Committee.




There were no declarations of interest.


Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership - Review of Performance and Priorities pdf icon PDF 83 KB

This briefing report details the work of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, addressing; roles and responsibilities of the CDRP, CDRP Performance in 2010/11, Crime Priorities (Strategic Assessment), Community Safety and the ‘Big Society’ and integrated offender management.


Additional documents:


The Committee received an overview of community safety activity in the borough, examining a number of related issues including the role and performance of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) and the Council’s community safety unit, and the development of the Partnership’s new strategic plan. Members also noted the impact of relevant Government initiatives including the concept of the Big Society and the Policing in the 21st Century White Paper. In so doing the Committee heard from and took the opportunity to question the following key stakeholders in the Partnership;


  • Kevin Hurley, Borough Commander Metropolitan Police,
  • Cindy Butts, Metropolitan Police Authority,
  • Adela Kacsprazak, Assistant Chief Officer London Probation Trust,
  • Councillor Greg Smith, Cabinet Member for Residents Services
  • Dave Page, Assistant Director, Safer Neighbourhoods
  • Larry Wright, Head of Integrated Youth Services,
  • Patricia Cadden, Senior Commissioner for Substance Misuse


Members recalled that the CDRP brought together statutory agencies to tackle crime and disorder, anti social behaviour and drug misuse across the borough. The current three year Partnership Plan which set out the objectives and planned the activities of the CDRP was due to expire in 2011. The forthcoming annual strategic assessment of crime and anti social behaviour would inform the shape of the new Plan covering the period 2011-14.


Kevin Hurley provided the Committee with details of the 5 year trends in crime figures including projected outcomes for 2010/11. The steady downward trend in total notifiable offences had been interrupted in 2009 with a 3% increase following the opening of the Westfield centre which brought with it an additional 1,000-1,500 offences per annum, predominantly shoplifting and pick pocketing.


In response to a question from Councillor Lisa Homan the Committee was informed that the Westfield shoplifting was partly undertaken by organised gangs from outside the borough while some outlets were stalked by gangs targeting children coming out of shops. The Centre had a large security force but from January 2011 would be funding an additional 8 police constables and a sergeant to operate within the area. Meanwhile the Police continued to work with the Westfield Centre and the individual stores to identify solutions including the banning of individuals from the premises, intelligence sharing and the use of store staff as special constables.


Members noted that the numbers of residential burglaries and personal robberies showed a significant decline on the 2005 figures. Kevin Hurley acknowledged that in both cases the Police had been slow to react to upward trends in the spring and early summer but had now asserted a measure of control and performance over the previous 12 weeks was substantially more encouraging. Violence against the person and theft from motor vehicles had also been reduced year on year.


Kevin Hurley emphasised, however, that despite these promising figures there was no room for complacency. Alcohol related violence associated with licensed premises was increasing in the Shepherds Bush area and there had been a small increase in rape offences. Knife and gun crime was stable and on a relatively small scale; there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Local Development Framework Core Strategy - Consultation pdf icon PDF 55 KB

This report advises the Committee that the proposed submission Local Development Framework Core Strategy and associated changes to the adopted Proposals Map are subject to a six week period of public consultation that commenced on 1st October 2010.


The report notes that after consideration of representations received during public consultation, the Core Strategy will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination expected in Spring 2011.



The Committee gave consideration to the Council’s proposed submission Local Development Framework Core Strategy and associated changes to the adopted Proposals Map.


Members noted that the Core Strategy was a key part of the Local Development Framework which would be used, together with the London Plan, to help shape the borough, deliver regeneration and determine individual planning applications. The Core Strategy set out the Council’s vision to create a borough of opportunity for all by 2031 and contained strategic objectives and policies for the regeneration of Hammersmith & Fulham over a 20 year period. It outlined a programme for regeneration with indicative targets for homes and jobs in five areas, namely the White City Opportunity Area, North Fulham Regeneration Area and Opportunity Area, Hammersmith Town Centre and Riverside, South Fulham Riverside and Old Oak Common and Hythe Road.


The Core Strategy also included borough wide policies on matters such as housing supply, with a minimum housing target of 615 additional dwellings a year, and affordable housing, where the borough wide target was for 40% of all additional dwellings to be affordable. There were also policies on issues such as local employment, community facilities, open space and design and conservation, together with a schedule of social and physical infrastructure that would be required to support the proposed growth.


The proposed submission Core Strategy had been approved by Council in September and the document was now subject to a six week period of public consultation. Following submission to the Secretary of State it would be examined in public by an independent Planning Inspector. The document was scheduled to be adopted in late 2011.


Following a presentation on the Strategy and summary of the regeneration area proposals by Pat Cox, Head of Policy and Spatial Planning, the Chairman enquired why the Strategy did not address space and amenity standards in an effort to manage the trend towards reductions in the size of accommodation. Pat Cox informed the Committee that detailed standards and guidance on best practice of this type had been issued by the Mayor of London and would be observed in the absence of local provision. In response to a further question from the Chairman she confirmed that the Mayor had undertaken research in to the impact of space standards on living habits and the guidance took account of the findings.


In response to a question from Councillor Rachel Ford, Pat Cox confirmed that there had been an increase in the number of applications for student blocks, reflecting London wide trends. This was likely to be driven by the more attractive profit margins that they now offered over residential developments. Student housing projects would be most appropriately located in areas where it did not impact on neighbouring residential homes.


Councillor Peter Tobias asked about the impact of climate change on the proposals. He was informed that one of the principal issues was expected to be an increase in surface water flooding as a result of heavier rainfall patterns, largely as a result of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Work Programme and Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 30 KB

The Committee is asked to give consideration to its work programme for the current municipal year.  Details of forthcoming Key Decisions which are due to be taken by the Cabinet are provided in order to enable the Committee to identify those items where it may wish to request reports.


Additional documents:


The Committee reviewed its work programme for the 2010/11 Municipal Year. The list of items had been drawn up in consultation with the Chairman having regard to previous decisions of the Committee and relevant items within the Forward Plan.


The Committee also noted details of forthcoming relevant key decisions which were due to be taken by the Cabinet and would be open to scrutiny by the Committee.




the work programme as amended be approved, subject to updates at subsequent meetings.



Date of Next Meeting

The Committee is asked to note the date of the next meeting to be held on 11 January 2011.



The Committee noted that the next meeting was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 11 January 2011.