Agenda item

Local Development Framework Core Strategy - Consultation

This report advises the Committee that the proposed submission Local Development Framework Core Strategy and associated changes to the adopted Proposals Map are subject to a six week period of public consultation that commenced on 1st October 2010.


The report notes that after consideration of representations received during public consultation, the Core Strategy will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination expected in Spring 2011.



The Committee gave consideration to the Council’s proposed submission Local Development Framework Core Strategy and associated changes to the adopted Proposals Map.


Members noted that the Core Strategy was a key part of the Local Development Framework which would be used, together with the London Plan, to help shape the borough, deliver regeneration and determine individual planning applications. The Core Strategy set out the Council’s vision to create a borough of opportunity for all by 2031 and contained strategic objectives and policies for the regeneration of Hammersmith & Fulham over a 20 year period. It outlined a programme for regeneration with indicative targets for homes and jobs in five areas, namely the White City Opportunity Area, North Fulham Regeneration Area and Opportunity Area, Hammersmith Town Centre and Riverside, South Fulham Riverside and Old Oak Common and Hythe Road.


The Core Strategy also included borough wide policies on matters such as housing supply, with a minimum housing target of 615 additional dwellings a year, and affordable housing, where the borough wide target was for 40% of all additional dwellings to be affordable. There were also policies on issues such as local employment, community facilities, open space and design and conservation, together with a schedule of social and physical infrastructure that would be required to support the proposed growth.


The proposed submission Core Strategy had been approved by Council in September and the document was now subject to a six week period of public consultation. Following submission to the Secretary of State it would be examined in public by an independent Planning Inspector. The document was scheduled to be adopted in late 2011.


Following a presentation on the Strategy and summary of the regeneration area proposals by Pat Cox, Head of Policy and Spatial Planning, the Chairman enquired why the Strategy did not address space and amenity standards in an effort to manage the trend towards reductions in the size of accommodation. Pat Cox informed the Committee that detailed standards and guidance on best practice of this type had been issued by the Mayor of London and would be observed in the absence of local provision. In response to a further question from the Chairman she confirmed that the Mayor had undertaken research in to the impact of space standards on living habits and the guidance took account of the findings.


In response to a question from Councillor Rachel Ford, Pat Cox confirmed that there had been an increase in the number of applications for student blocks, reflecting London wide trends. This was likely to be driven by the more attractive profit margins that they now offered over residential developments. Student housing projects would be most appropriately located in areas where it did not impact on neighbouring residential homes.


Councillor Peter Tobias asked about the impact of climate change on the proposals. He was informed that one of the principal issues was expected to be an increase in surface water flooding as a result of heavier rainfall patterns, largely as a result of lack of capacity at Counters Creek.


Councillor Lisa Homan asked about the nature of the public response to the consultation. The Committee was informed that there had been only a limited number of comments to date although more were expected ahead of the deadline on 12th November. It was difficult to engage residents on detailed technical documents of this nature but there had been pro active consultation on earlier consultations, particularly at the Issues and Options stage. All responses to the current consultation were to be published online and members of the Committee would be notified when they were ready to view.


The Committee asked to receive reports on future Local Development Framework documents, including the Development Management Development Plan Document which was likely to be adopted by mid 2012 and would set out policies that would be used for development management purposes.




a)      the key challenges being tackled in the Core Strategy and the public consultation exercise be noted; and

b)      reports on future additional Local Development Framework documents, such as the Development Management Policies document, be provided to the Committee at the appropriate time.

Supporting documents: