Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Wednesday, 20th July, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Hammersmith Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Kayode Adewumi  Tel: 020 8753 2499

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2016.

Additional documents:


7.03pm - RESOLVED


That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 May 2016 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Mayor.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrew Jones, Adronie Alford, Jane Law, Natalia Perez, Lucy Ivimy, and Viya Nsumbu.


Mayor's/Chief Executive's Announcements


The Mayor announced that she had chosen Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank and Hammersmith and Fulham Mind as her charities for 2016-17. The Foodbank was founded to combat food poverty in the borough and had provided over 100,000 meals to residents in need. Hammersmith and Fulham Mind worked with the Council and health partners to enhance and support the mental health of residents and the Mayor hoped to help them combat stigma and raise awareness to ensure everyone’s mental health is valued.


The Mayor announced an amendment to the constitution report removing Councillor Hannah Barlow from the membership of the Licensing Committee.


The Mayor announced the passing of Mrs Sue Perrin, a member of the Governance and Scrutiny team. Mrs Perrin had worked closely with members across Council, particularly in the areas of health scrutiny and licensing. During her time at the Council she did her job to the highest degree of excellence. She will be sadly missed.


The Mayor then led the Council in a minute of silence for Mrs Sue Perrin, the victims of the recent terrorist attack in Nice, and other recent tragic events around the world.


Declarations of Interests

If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a particular item, whether or not it is entered in the Authority’s register of interests, or any other significant interest which they consider should be declared in the public interest, they should declare the existence and, unless it is a sensitive interest as defined in the Member Code of Conduct, the nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest or other significant interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance and speak, then the Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration. Councillors who have declared other significant interests should also withdraw from the meeting if they consider their continued participation in the matter would not be reasonable in the circumstances and may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest.


Councillors are not obliged to withdraw from the meeting where a dispensation to that effect has been obtained from the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee. 



There were no declarations of interest.


Public Questions

No public questions were submitted.




There were no public questions.



7.07pm – Under Standing Order 15(e) iii, Councillor Mark Loveday moved a motion that Special Motion 6 take precedence on the agenda. This was agreed.


Special Motion 6 - Blythe Road Bus Consultations and Petitions pdf icon PDF 113 KB


7.08pm – Councillor Belinda Donovan moved, seconded by Caroline Ffiske, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes:


1.            The Special Motion unanimously passed on 25 January 2006 that “This Council is committed to reducing traffic and improving air quality in the Brook Green Home Zone and Clear Way and supports the residents and councillors of Addison ward in their campaign to stop the C1 bus running through residential streets in the ward.”


2.            That residents in Addison and Avonmore & Brook Green wards have in recent months circulated petitions both for and against a bus service running through Blythe Road.


3.            The shambolic process over the last six months around the review of these services.


4.            That residents (whether they are for or against the exploration of a new bus service) have waited long enough for clarity from the administration on this issue.


5.            The belated acknowledgment by the administration on 31 May 2016 that “there is no plan” for any “Brook Green bus”.


6.            The transport needs of all residents in this area.


And resolves to:


1.            Re-affirm the Special Motion passed on 25 January 2006.


2.            Apologise for the considerable confusion and upset caused by the way this issue has been dealt with.


3.            Publicise and promote to residents services such as the free TfL Dial-A-Ride service.


4.            Undertake proper consultation in future with residents and all ward councillors around transport issues – ensuring this is done ‘with’ residents and not ‘to’ them.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Belinda Donovan, Caroline Ffiske, and Joe Carlebach (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Hannah Barlow moved, seconded by Councillor Wesley Harcourt, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete all after ‘This Council notes’ and insert:


That it has received two petitions about the potential of a new bus service on Blythe Road: one for and one against.


The Council recognises that bus services are the responsibility of Transport for London (TfL) and that TfL have no plans for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council also notes that the administration gives priority to listening to working with all local people. It has therefore met with the residents who had organised both petitions. It is grateful for the considered approach taken by residents and recognises that all hope for a solution that can provide elderly and ‘vulnerable’ people with access to transport.


The Council confirms that there will be no new bus route along Blythe Road and that it will not be asking TfL for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council thanks all the residents who brought this important matter to our attention.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Hannah Barlow, Wesley Harcourt, and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration) and Councillor Mark Loveday (for the Opposition), before it was put to the vote.


FOR                            23

AGAINST                   14

NOT VOTING            1


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Councillor Belinda Donovan then  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.6


Items for Discussion/Committee Reports


Hammersmith and Fulham Local Plan - Proposed Submission pdf icon PDF 109 KB

This report seeks approval for the proposed submission Local Plan and associated changes to the adopted proposals map with a view that public consultation on the documents be carried out for a minimum six week period commencing in September 2016.

Additional documents:


7.41pm - The report and recommendations were formally moved for adoption by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services, Councillor Wesley Harcourt.


The report and recommendations were then put to the vote:


FOR                            23

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            14


The report and recommendations were declared CARRIED.


7.43pm – RESOLVED


1.            That Full Council approve the proposed submission Local Plan (Appendix 1 of the report) and changes to the Proposals Map (Appendix 2 of the report), with a view that the documents and other associated submission documents required by the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (‘the Regulations’) are made available for a minimum 6 weeks for public consultation commencing on 5 September 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.


2.            That the Director of Planning and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services, is authorised to approve any technical and other minor amendments to the submission documents:

a)    before public consultation; and

b)    after, or in response to, public consultation, and before submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination.


3.            Following public consultation and the incorporation of any technical and other minor amendments to the submission documents, that authority is delegated to officers to submit the proposed submission Local Plan to the Secretary for Examination and to take such further steps as are appropriate and in accordance with the council’s statutory duties.



Review of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 241 KB

This report recommends amendments to the officer scheme of delegation to reflect recent legislative changes and changes to the council calendar.

Additional documents:


7.43pm - The report and recommendations were formally moved for adoption by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Cowan.


The report and recommendations were then put to the vote:


FOR                            UNANIMOUS

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The report and recommendations were declared CARRIED.


7.43pm – RESOLVED


1.            That the disclosure of confidential information protocol attached as Appendix 1 of the report, be approved.


2.            That the changes to the Officers Scheme of delegation to reflect new legislative changes in Appendix 2 of the report, be approved.


3.            That the scheduled Council meetings be held on the following new dates:

·         Cabinet – 27 March 2017

·         Community Safety, Environment and Residents Services Policy and Accountability Committee – 24 April 2017

·         Planning and Development Control Committee – 25 April 2017

·         Health, Adult Social Care and Social Inclusion Committee – 26 April 2017

·         Health and Wellbeing Board – 8 February 2017


4.         That Councillor Hannah Barlow be removed from the membership of the Licensing Committee.


Special Motions

To consider and determine any Special Motions:



7.43pm – Under Standing Order 15(e) iii, Councillor Colin Aherne moved a motion that Special Motion 2 take precedence on the agenda. This was agreed.


Special Motion 2 - A welcome to H&F residents from all national origins and a condemnation of racism, xenophobia and hate crimes wherever and whenever they occur pdf icon PDF 111 KB


7.44pm – The Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Cowan, moved, seconded by Councillor Sue Fennimore, the special motion in their names:


“We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. We condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.


We deplore the racist and anti-immigrant tone that has defined some of the narrative that came from some in the Leave campaign during the recent EU referendum.


The attack on the Polish Centre was outrageous and an affront to the values that have defined British culture for a very long time. It demonstrated a small-minded ignorance of the history of the Polish Social and Cultural Association (POSK), which was founded shortly after the Second World War during which Polish forces fought for Britain to defeat Nazism. We remain grateful for their heroism.


More recently, Polish citizens have become one of the communities that define and greatly add to our modern society and British way of life which we applaud.


We share concern of reports of other racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and bigoted attacks and state with one voice that they are not tolerated and have no place in our modern society. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.


At this particular time we send a warm message of welcome to the thousands of EU citizens that have made our borough their home. We are deeply grateful for: the businesses they’ve started; the hard work they do; and for how our culture has been enriched because they have chosen to live with us in our beautiful corner of West London.


We will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have the support and resources needed to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia.


We reassure all people living in our borough that they are valued members of our community.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Stephen Cowan, Sue Fennimore, PJ Murphy, Caroline Needham, and Ali Hashem (for the Administration) and Councillors Robert Largan, Charlie Dewhirst, Joe Carlebach, and Frances Stainton (for the Opposition). Councillor Stephen Cowan made a speech winding up the debate. The motion was then put to the vote:


FOR                            Unanimous

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


8:23pm – RESOLVED


We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. We condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally.


We deplore the racist and anti-immigrant tone that has defined some of the narrative that came from some in the Leave campaign during the recent EU referendum.


The attack on the Polish Centre was outrageous and an affront to the values that have defined British culture for a very long time. It demonstrated a small-minded ignorance of the history of the Polish Social and Cultural Association (POSK), which was founded shortly after the Second World War during which Polish forces fought for Britain  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.2


Special Motion 1 - Solidarity with Citizens of Other Countries pdf icon PDF 53 KB


8.24pm – Councillor Robert Largan moved, seconded by Councillor Charlie Dewhirst, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes the following:


There has been a worrying number of racist and xenophobic incidents following the result of the referendum, including alleged racially motivated graffiti sprayed on the Polish Social & Cultural Association building on King Street in Hammersmith. Nearly half of residents in Hammersmith & Fulham were born outside of the United Kingdom.


This borough has been home to a Polish community going back to the 1940s when Polish service personnel were stationed in West London as they fought for Britain against Nazi tyranny.


This Council unequivocally condemns all forms of racism, xenophobia, bigotry, intolerance and prejudice.


This Council commends the Polish Social & Cultural Association for their decades of excellent work to promote the historic and cultural ties between the UK, Poland and its neighbours in Eastern Europe.


This Council believes that the residents who are citizens of other countries are a vital part of life in Hammersmith & Fulham and play a hugely positive role in our community.


This Council resolves to send out an unequivocal message of support, friendship and solidarity to all residents in the borough and looks forward to the continued positive contribution made by citizens from across the world.”


The motion was then put to the vote:


            FOR                            Unanimous

            AGAINST                   0

            NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


8:24pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes the following:


There has been a worrying number of racist and xenophobic incidents following the result of the referendum, including alleged racially motivated graffiti sprayed on the Polish Social & Cultural Association building on King Street in Hammersmith. Nearly half of residents in Hammersmith & Fulham were born outside of the United Kingdom.


This borough has been home to a Polish community going back to the 1940s when Polish service personnel were stationed in West London as they fought for Britain against Nazi tyranny.


This Council unequivocally condemns all forms of racism, xenophobia, bigotry, intolerance and prejudice.


This Council commends the Polish Social & Cultural Association for their decades of excellent work to promote the historic and cultural ties between the UK, Poland and its neighbours in Eastern Europe.


This Council believes that the residents who are citizens of other countries are a vital part of life in Hammersmith & Fulham and play a hugely positive role in our community.


This Council resolves to send out an unequivocal message of support, friendship and solidarity to all residents in the borough and looks forward to the continued positive contribution made by citizens from across the world.


Special Motion 3 - The European Referendum Outcome pdf icon PDF 51 KB


8.25pm – Councillor Max Schmid moved, seconded by Councillor Ben Coleman, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes that 70% of residents in Hammersmith and Fulham who voted in the 23 June referendum voted to remain in the European Union.


The council resolves to observe the wish of the significant majority of its residents to remain in the European Union and advocate for the UK to retain the closest possible relationship with the other 27 EU Member States.


The council unreservedly condemns any suggestion that UK residents who are citizens of the 27 other Member States of the European Union should lose the right to live and work in the UK, and it resolves to write to the Home Secretary asking for legislation that guarantees this right.”


A speech on the special motion was made by Councillor Max Schmid (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Greg Smith moved, seconded by Councillor Donald Johnson, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete second paragraph and insert:


This Council further notes that 17,410,742 votes for Britain to leave the European Union is the largest mandate ever given in British democratic history.


This Council believes in democracy and fully accepts the result of the referendum.


The Council unreservedly condemns any suggestion that current UK residents who are citizens of the 27 other Member States of the European Union should lose the right to live and work in the UK.  The Council resolves to urge the Government to ensure protections for these residents as well as protections for British citizens living within EU member states are paramount in the UKs negotiations to leave the EU.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Greg Smith, Donald Johnson, Michael Adam, and Mark Loveday (for the Opposition) and Councillors Ben Coleman, PJ Murphy, and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration). The amendment was then put to the vote and a roll-call was requested.




















































































































































            FOR                            15

            AGAINST                  23

            NOT VOTING            1


The amendment was declared LOST.


Speeches on the substantive motion were made by Councillor Elaine Chumnery (for the Administration) and Councillor Robert Largan (for the Opposition). Councillor Max Schmid made a speech winding up the debate. The substantive motion was then put to the vote and a roll-call was requested.


















































































































































            FOR                            23

            AGAINST                   0

            NOT VOTING            16


The substantive motion was declared CARRIED.


9:21pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes that 70% of residents in Hammersmith and Fulham  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.3


Special Motion 4 - The Army Community Covenant and Armed Forces Day pdf icon PDF 116 KB


9.22pm – Councillor Alan De’Ath moved, seconded by Ali Hashem, the special motion in their names:


“This Council re-affirms the Army Community Covenant and its support of the national celebration of Armed Forces Day


In order to take measures to build on past events and strength its significance within the Borough, this Council asks that the following requests are considered where possible:


-      That each Mayor gives priority to attending events marking the annual Armed Forces Day.


-      That the council will not organise civic events that may compete with events organised for Armed Forces Day.


-      That advance publicity for events in the borough on Armed Forces Day will be given through the website and by other regular press statements.


-      That the council take steps to look into bringing together the various organisations involved in the armed forces to hold an annual Armed Forces Day celebration to honour their service and build greater links between them and the community.


-      Changing the borough’s licensing policy so that collections by Forces Charities have exclusive licensing on Armed Forces Day each year.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Alan De’Ath and Ali Hashem (for the Administration) and Councillor Alex Karmel (for the Opposition) before being put to the vote:


FOR                            Unanimous

AGAINST                   0

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


9:36pm – RESOLVED


This Council re-affirms the Army Community Covenant and its support of the national celebration of Armed Forces Day


In order to take measures to build on past events and strength its significance within the Borough, this Council asks that the following requests are considered where possible:


-      That each Mayor gives priority to attending events marking the annual Armed Forces Day.


-      That the council will not organise civic events that may compete with events organised for Armed Forces Day.


-      That advance publicity for events in the borough on Armed Forces Day will be given through the website and by other regular press statements.


-      That the council take steps to look into bringing together the various organisations involved in the armed forces to hold an annual Armed Forces Day celebration to honour their service and build greater links between them and the community.


-      Changing the borough’s licensing policy so that collections by Forces Charities have exclusive licensing on Armed Forces Day each year.


Special Motion 5 - Private Rented Sector Housing pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The special motion was withdrawn.


Information Reports - To Note


Annual Report of the Policy and Accountability Committees 2015-16 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report gives an overview of the work of the Policy and Accountability Committees and their related task groups during the 2015/16 municipal year.

Additional documents:


9.37pm - The report of the Policy and Accountability Committee Chairs on the activity of the Policy and Accountability Committees for the 2015/16 municipal year was noted.



* * * * *   CONCLUSION OF BUSINESS    * * * * *