Agenda item

Special Motion 6 - Blythe Road Bus Consultations and Petitions


7.08pm – Councillor Belinda Donovan moved, seconded by Caroline Ffiske, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes:


1.            The Special Motion unanimously passed on 25 January 2006 that “This Council is committed to reducing traffic and improving air quality in the Brook Green Home Zone and Clear Way and supports the residents and councillors of Addison ward in their campaign to stop the C1 bus running through residential streets in the ward.”


2.            That residents in Addison and Avonmore & Brook Green wards have in recent months circulated petitions both for and against a bus service running through Blythe Road.


3.            The shambolic process over the last six months around the review of these services.


4.            That residents (whether they are for or against the exploration of a new bus service) have waited long enough for clarity from the administration on this issue.


5.            The belated acknowledgment by the administration on 31 May 2016 that “there is no plan” for any “Brook Green bus”.


6.            The transport needs of all residents in this area.


And resolves to:


1.            Re-affirm the Special Motion passed on 25 January 2006.


2.            Apologise for the considerable confusion and upset caused by the way this issue has been dealt with.


3.            Publicise and promote to residents services such as the free TfL Dial-A-Ride service.


4.            Undertake proper consultation in future with residents and all ward councillors around transport issues – ensuring this is done ‘with’ residents and not ‘to’ them.”


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Belinda Donovan, Caroline Ffiske, and Joe Carlebach (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Hannah Barlow moved, seconded by Councillor Wesley Harcourt, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete all after ‘This Council notes’ and insert:


That it has received two petitions about the potential of a new bus service on Blythe Road: one for and one against.


The Council recognises that bus services are the responsibility of Transport for London (TfL) and that TfL have no plans for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council also notes that the administration gives priority to listening to working with all local people. It has therefore met with the residents who had organised both petitions. It is grateful for the considered approach taken by residents and recognises that all hope for a solution that can provide elderly and ‘vulnerable’ people with access to transport.


The Council confirms that there will be no new bus route along Blythe Road and that it will not be asking TfL for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council thanks all the residents who brought this important matter to our attention.”


Speeches on the amendment to the special motion were made by Councillors Hannah Barlow, Wesley Harcourt, and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration) and Councillor Mark Loveday (for the Opposition), before it was put to the vote.


FOR                            23

AGAINST                   14

NOT VOTING            1


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Councillor Belinda Donovan then made a speech on the substantive motion, winding up the debate. The substantive motion was then put to the vote:









The motion was declared CARRIED.


7:40pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes:


That it has received two petitions about the potential of a new bus service on Blythe Road: one for and one against.


The Council recognises that bus services are the responsibility of Transport for London (TfL) and that TfL have no plans for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council also notes that the administration gives priority to listening to working with all local people. It has therefore met with the residents who had organised both petitions. It is grateful for the considered approach taken by residents and recognises that all hope for a solution that can provide elderly and ‘vulnerable’ people with access to transport.


The Council confirms that there will be no new bus route along Blythe Road and that it will not be asking TfL for a new bus route in that neighbourhood.


The Council thanks all the residents who brought this important matter to our attention.

Supporting documents: