Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Wednesday, 23rd July, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Hammersmith Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Kayode Adewumi  (Tel: 020 8753 2499)

No. Item

Audio Recording of the Meeting MP3 27 MB

Audio Recordings – Please note that due to the large size of the audio file you may want to download it first onto your PC/laptop by right clicking on the file, select “target as” and save the audio file onto the computer. Then the audio file can be played off the computer and you can fast forward to the desired time of the meeting.

Additional documents:


Minutes pdf icon PDF 217 KB

To approve and sign as an accurate record the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 16 June 2014.

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 16 June 2014were confirmed and signed as an accurate record.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sharon Holder and Frances Stainton.


Mayor's/Chief Executive's Announcements


The Council observed a minute silence for the victims of flight MH17.


Declarations of Interests

If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a particular item, whether or not it is entered in the Authority’s register of interests, or any other significant interest which they consider should be declared in the public interest, they should declare the existence and, unless it is a sensitive interest as defined in the Member Code of Conduct, the nature of the interest at the commencement of the consideration of that item or as soon as it becomes apparent.


At meetings where members of the public are allowed to be in attendance and speak, any Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest or other significant interest may also make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter.  The Councillor must then withdraw immediately from the meeting before the matter is discussed and any vote taken.


Where Members of the public are not allowed to be in attendance and speak, then the Councillor with a disclosable pecuniary interest should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is under consideration. Councillors who have declared other significant interests should also withdraw from the meeting if they consider their continued participation in the matter would not be reasonable in the circumstances and may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interest.


Councillors are not obliged to withdraw from the meeting where a dispensation to that effect has been obtained from the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee. 



In respect of Special Motion 2 – Trade Unions, the following significant interests were declared:

·               Councillors Colin Aherne, Michael Cartwright, Adam Connell, Stephen Cowan, Wesley Harcourt, Lisa Homan, Andrew Jones, Natalia Perez Shepherd, Max Schmid, Rory Vaughan and Guy Vincent as they were members of Unite the Union. 

·               Councillor Stephen Cowan as he was a lapsed member of the Institute of Directors.

·               Councillors Stephen Cowan, Larry Culhane, Alan De’Ath and Ali Hashem as they were members of the GMB

·               Councillor Daryl Brown as she was a member of UCU

·               Councillor Wesley Harcourt as he was a member of USDAW

·               Councillor Sue Macmillan as she was a member of Community Union

·               Councillor Guy Vincent as he was a member of the Law Society

The above Councillors considered that this did not give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests and, in the circumstances it would be reasonable to participate in the discussion and vote thereon.


In respect of Special Motion 6 – Saving Our Hospitals, Councillor Joe Carlebach declared a significant interest as he was a trustee of Arthritis Research UK and a non-executive director of the Royal National Orthopaedic Trust. He considered that this did not give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests and, in the circumstances it would be reasonable to participate in the discussion and vote thereon.



Public Questions (20 Minutes)

The Leader/relevant Cabinet Member to reply to questions submitted by members of the public:




Question 1 - Lance Pierson pdf icon PDF 14 KB


7.07pm - The Mayor called on Mr Lance Pierson who had submitted a question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Cowan, to ask his question. The Leader responded.  Mr Pierson asked a supplementary question which was also answered.



Question 2 - Nnamdi E.S. Okoye pdf icon PDF 14 KB


7.15pm - The Mayor called on Mr Nnamdi E.S. Okoye who had submitted a question to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services, Councillor Wesley Harcourt, to ask his question. The Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services responded.  Mr Okoye asked a supplementary question which was also answered.


(A copy of all the public questions submitted and the replies given are attached at Appendices 1 and 2 to these minutes).




Items for Discussion/Committee Reports


Interim Budget Report pdf icon PDF 206 KB

At the Annual Council Meeting, action was taken towards addressing the gap by reducing Special Responsibility Allowances by 10% and ending the practice of paying Councillors multiple such allowances.  This report sets out further early steps proposed for 2014/15. Ensuring a healthy surplus is achieved in 2014/15 will put the Council in a better position to meet future budget gaps. These proposals include reducing spend in the general fund by £3,998,000 against the 2014/15 budget and in the HRA by £108,000.  The report also removes a charge for burials at 24 hours notice. This is an early result of an ongoing broad review of the fees and charges levied by the Council.



7.19pm - The report and recommendations were formally moved for adoption by the Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Max Schmid.


Speeches on the report were made by Councillors Max Schmid, Larry Culhane, Stephen Cowan, Andrew Jones and PJ Murphy (for the Administration) and Councillors Greg Smith, Harry Phibbs and Nicholas Botterill (for the Opposition).

The report and recommendations were put to the vote:


FOR                         25

AGAINST                19

NOT VOTING         0


The report and recommendations were declared CARRIED.



7.49pm RESOLVED:


(1)  That the Council notes the plan to reduce spend against the 2014/15 general fund budget by £3,998,000 and the HRA budget by £108,000.


(2)  That the charge of £478 for a burial at 24 hours notice, outside the normal operational hours of 10AM – 4PM Monday to Friday, be abolished.



Review of the Council's Constitution - In Year Revisions pdf icon PDF 184 KB

This report recommends some further amendments to the Constitution.

Additional documents:


7.50pm - The report and recommendations were formally moved for adoption by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Cowan.


Speeches on the report were made by Councillor Mark Loveday (for the Opposition) and Councillor Stephen Cowan (for the Administration).

The report and recommendations were put to the vote :


FOR                         25

AGAINST                19

NOT VOTING         0


The report and recommendations were declared CARRIED.





(1)    That the amendments to the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules applying to co-optees to the Policy and Accountability Committees as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report be agreed.


(2)    That the revised Contract Standing Orders as set out in paragraph 4.3 and Appendix  1 of the report be agreed.


(3)    That the quorum of the Audit, Pensions and Standards Committee be increased from 3 Members to 5 Members as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


(4)    That the minor amendments made to the Officer Schemes of Delegation by the Monitoring Officer, as set out in paragraph 4.5 and  Appendix  2 of the report, be agreed.  


(5)    That the amendments to the Cabinet portfolios enabling Cabinet Members to set up advisory Groups which will advise on policy issues, be agreed.



Special Motions

To consider and determine any Special Motions:



8pm – Under Standing Order 15(e) iii, Councillor Colin Aherne moved a motion that Special Motion 6 Saving Our Hospitals take precedence on the agenda and be considered.  This was agreed.



Special Motion 6 - Saving Our Hospitals pdf icon PDF 14 KB


8.01pm – Councillor Stephen Cowan moved, seconded by Councillor Rory Vaughan, the special motion standing in their names:


“The Council notes that the former administration put out literature claiming that it had “saved” Charing Cross Hospital and “retained” the A&E. It regrets that misleading propaganda and calls for a vigorous defence of Charing Cross Hospital, the borough’s A&E’s and local health services.”


Speeches on the Special Motion were made by Councillors Stephen Cowan and Rory Vaughan (for the Administration) and Councillor Marcus Ginn (for the Opposition).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Andrew Brown moved, seconded by Councillor Marcus Ginn, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete all after "This Council" and insert:


(1)      understands that there is widespread expert clinician support for changes to emergency healthcare services to ensure patients have access to the very best specialist consultant present care 24 hours a day 7 days a week which is supported by: Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical Director; the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges; the College of Emergency Medicine; the Royal College of Physicians; the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; as well as the Royal College of Surgeons.


(2)      Accepts that locally, proposed changes to the NHS originated from Professor Lord Darzi, at the time a Labour Health Minister and a surgeon based at St Mary's Hospital, and his review, "High Quality Care for All", and that the “Shaping a Healthier Future” proposals in respect of emergency care are supported by the lead clinicians of all the NHS Trusts in North West London, as well as GPs and Clinical Commissioning Groups, including in Hammersmith and Fulham.


(3)      Recognises the need for reform of NHS services to address the challenges and opportunities of 21st century medicine, but at the same time understands the public's concern about proposed changes to Charing Cross and Hammersmith Hospitals and is determined to secure the best healthcare that it can for local residents.


(4)      Notes that the original 'Shaping a Healthier Future' proposal for the Charing Cross site was little more than an urgent care centre in one small corner of the site, with no facilities for Imperial College Faculty of Medicine and the loss of most of the specialist treatment and clinics currently available there.


(5)      Acknowledges the importance of the cross party opposition to these proposals coupled with the strong lobby from local residents in causing the NHS to rethink their proposals for the Charing Cross site.



(6)      Further notes that the former administration negotiated a greatly improved proposal for the Charing Cross site, which included retention of an A&E for all except the most serious cases; augmented consultant led care of the elderly medicine; retention of consultant led oncology services including full diagnostics, chemotherapy and increased radiotherapy provision; retention of outpatient facilities; retention of full general diagnostic services including MRI scanners and ultrasound; retention of medical school facilities; and creation of a world class centre for elective medicine.


(7)      Notes that it was the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.1


Special Motion 3 - Homes for Residents not Overseas Investors pdf icon PDF 14 KB


9.10pm – Councillor Andrew Jones moved, seconded by Councillor Ben Coleman, the special motion standing in their names:


“This Council notes the poor historic delivery of affordable housing in the

Borough, including developments under the last Administration achieving only 0% affordable housing against the London Plan target of 40%.


Furthermore, the Council notes that the housing crisis affects a wide range of Londoners from twenty- and thirty- somethings looking to get onto the property ladder to those seeking genuinely affordable homes to rent.


The Council therefore resolves to review, as a matter of urgency, the Local Plan in order to deliver much greater levels of truly affordable housing for residents to rent and for residents to buy.”


Speeches on the Special Motion were made by Councillors Andrew Jones, Ben Coleman and Sue Fennimore (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Lucy Ivimy moved, seconded by Councillor Marcus Ginn, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete everything after "This Council" and insert:


“Notes the excellent delivery of housing in the borough achieved by the last administration, including the exceptional 5,703 additional homes approved in 2011/12, and notes that the Borough is well ahead of its London Plan target for housing approvals.


(1)      Notes the great need for housing in London for all sections of the population and in particular the difficulty for young Londoners in buying their first homes. It applauds the initiative of the last administration in promoting H&F Homebuy and acknowledges its success in meeting this need.


(2)      Resolves to continue to support the work of H&F Homebuy.


(3)      Further notes the potential delivery of 12,780 additional dwellings between 2011/12 and 2031/32 in the Regeneration Areas of the Borough and resolves to do all in its power to ensure that this much needed housing is built.


This Council further notes the planned delivery of very substantial quantities of housing in the Regeneration Areas of the Borough and resolves to do all in its power to ensure that these are achieved.”


Speeches on the amendment to the Special Motion were made by Councillors Lucy Ivimy, Marcus Ginn and Nicholas Botterill (for the Opposition) and by Councillors Lisa Homan, Iain Cassidy, Michael Cartwright and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration) before it was put to the vote:


FOR                            19

AGAINST                   24

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


A speech on the substantive motion was made by Councillor Andrew Jones (for the Administration) before it was put to the vote:



FOR                            24

AGAINST                   19

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.03pm – RESOLVED:


This Council notes the poor historic delivery of affordable housing in the

Borough, including developments under the last Administration achieving only 0% affordable housing against the London Plan target of 40%.


Furthermore, the Council notes that the housing crisis affects a wide range of Londoners from twenty- and thirty- somethings looking to get onto the property ladder to those seeking genuinely affordable homes to rent.


The Council therefore resolves  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.2


Special Motion 1 - Labour's Mansion Tax pdf icon PDF 15 KB


This motion was withdrawn.


Special Motion 2 - Trade Unions pdf icon PDF 13 KB


This motion was withdrawn.


Special Motion 4 - Cutting Waste and Delivering Better Value pdf icon PDF 14 KB


10.04pm – Councillor Max Schmid moved, seconded by Councillor Michael Cartwright, the special motion standing in their names:


“The Council agrees with the new administration’s decisions to close down expensive propaganda magazines, stop the former administration’s practice of hanging vanity banners from lamp posts and cut the wasteful expenditure on food at council meetings.


It further notes the new revenues being generated from selling sponsorship on banners and agrees with the tougher and more effective approach to negotiating with developers.”


The motion was put to the vote:



FOR                            24

AGAINST                   19

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.04pm – RESOLVED:


The Council agrees with the new administration’s decisions to close down expensive propaganda magazines, stop the former administration’s practice of hanging vanity banners from lamp posts and cut the wasteful expenditure on food at council meetings.


It further notes the new revenues being generated from selling sponsorship on banners and agrees with the tougher and more effective approach to negotiating with developers.


Special Motion 5 - Fulham Boys School pdf icon PDF 13 KB


10.05pm – Councillor Sue Macmillan moved, seconded by Councillor Stephen Cowan, the special motion standing in their names:


“The Council notes that The Conservative government designed free schools to be totally free of locally authorities but despite that will do all it reasonably can to support Fulham Boys School.”


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Sue Macmillan moved, seconded by Councillor Alan De’Ath, an amendment to replace the original motion as follows:


“Delete all after "This Council" and insert:


"welcomes the news that Fulham Boys School will now be opening in September 2014 and notes that the Conservative-Lib Dem Government designed free schools to be totally free of local authorities.


The Council recognises that the two weeks of uncertainty over whether the school was opening or not, after the DfE cancelled and then reinstated its funding, caused unacceptable anxiety and concern for children, parents and teachers.


The Council notes that rather than try and help that situation the borough's current and former Conservative councillors sought to spread absolutely false rumours such as the council was "blocking FBS' talks with CapCo" or that the Watermeadow Court was legally available for use as a school - despite the former administration disposing of that site on 28 March 2014. There was no substance to these and other rumours which were no more than ill-advised and dishonest political mischief making. The Council regrets that.


The Council further notes that despite the free schools legislation making it absolutely clear that it is the role of the Government's Department for Education Funding Agency to ensure that free schools can be housed, temporarily and permanently, it was actually this Council and the London Mayor who were called upon and ended up sorting this problem out demonstrating clearing flaws in the government's approach.


The Council re-affirms its commitment to work with schools of all types, including free schools and academies, to promote excellent teaching and the best outcome for the Borough's children."


The amendment was unanimously agreed and declared CARRIED.


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Caroline Ffiske moved, seconded by Councillor Robert Largan, a further amendment to motion as follows:


“Delete all after "This Council" and replace with:


·         Welcomes the wonderful news that the Fulham Boys School will be opening this September on a temporary site in the borough.

·         Acknowledges the challenge of finding a permanent site for the School in Fulham.

·         Commits itself to engage pro-actively with the Mayor of London, Fulham Boys School, the Education Funding Agency and all other relevant parties to ensure that a permanent home is found as soon as possible for the Fulham Boys School.”


The amendment was put to the vote:


FOR                            19

AGAINST                   25

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


The substantive motion as amended was put to the vote:



FOR                            25

AGAINST                   19

NOT VOTING            0


The substantive motion as amended was declared CARRIED.


10.09pm – RESOLVED:


This Council welcomes the news that Fulham Boys School will now be opening in September 2014  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.6


Information Reports - To Note


Special Urgency Decisions - Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 181 KB


The report was noted.



* * * * *   CONCLUSION OF BUSINESS    * * * * *


Appendix 1 - Response to Public Question 1 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Appendix 2 - Response to Public Question 2 pdf icon PDF 17 KB