Agenda item

Special Motion 3 - Homes for Residents not Overseas Investors


9.10pm – Councillor Andrew Jones moved, seconded by Councillor Ben Coleman, the special motion standing in their names:


“This Council notes the poor historic delivery of affordable housing in the

Borough, including developments under the last Administration achieving only 0% affordable housing against the London Plan target of 40%.


Furthermore, the Council notes that the housing crisis affects a wide range of Londoners from twenty- and thirty- somethings looking to get onto the property ladder to those seeking genuinely affordable homes to rent.


The Council therefore resolves to review, as a matter of urgency, the Local Plan in order to deliver much greater levels of truly affordable housing for residents to rent and for residents to buy.”


Speeches on the Special Motion were made by Councillors Andrew Jones, Ben Coleman and Sue Fennimore (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15(e) (vi), Councillor Lucy Ivimy moved, seconded by Councillor Marcus Ginn, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete everything after "This Council" and insert:


“Notes the excellent delivery of housing in the borough achieved by the last administration, including the exceptional 5,703 additional homes approved in 2011/12, and notes that the Borough is well ahead of its London Plan target for housing approvals.


(1)      Notes the great need for housing in London for all sections of the population and in particular the difficulty for young Londoners in buying their first homes. It applauds the initiative of the last administration in promoting H&F Homebuy and acknowledges its success in meeting this need.


(2)      Resolves to continue to support the work of H&F Homebuy.


(3)      Further notes the potential delivery of 12,780 additional dwellings between 2011/12 and 2031/32 in the Regeneration Areas of the Borough and resolves to do all in its power to ensure that this much needed housing is built.


This Council further notes the planned delivery of very substantial quantities of housing in the Regeneration Areas of the Borough and resolves to do all in its power to ensure that these are achieved.”


Speeches on the amendment to the Special Motion were made by Councillors Lucy Ivimy, Marcus Ginn and Nicholas Botterill (for the Opposition) and by Councillors Lisa Homan, Iain Cassidy, Michael Cartwright and Stephen Cowan (for the Administration) before it was put to the vote:


FOR                            19

AGAINST                   24

NOT VOTING            0


The amendment was declared LOST.


A speech on the substantive motion was made by Councillor Andrew Jones (for the Administration) before it was put to the vote:



FOR                            24

AGAINST                   19

NOT VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


10.03pm – RESOLVED:


This Council notes the poor historic delivery of affordable housing in the

Borough, including developments under the last Administration achieving only 0% affordable housing against the London Plan target of 40%.


Furthermore, the Council notes that the housing crisis affects a wide range of Londoners from twenty- and thirty- somethings looking to get onto the property ladder to those seeking genuinely affordable homes to rent.


The Council therefore resolves to review, as a matter of urgency, the Local Plan in order to deliver much greater levels of truly affordable housing for residents to rent and for residents to buy.



(as the guillotine had passed, all remaining items on the agenda were considered without discussion).

Supporting documents: