Key Decisions List

Additional Key Decision going to Cabinet - Responsive repairs contracts for housing 

Plan items
No. Item


Responsive repairs contracts for housing

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   6 Sep 2021

Lead officer:  William Shanks

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/08/2021

Reason for urgency:
The paper will recommend that LBHF give notice to one of the three contractors and mobilise the reserve contract that is in place. The decision needs to be taken urgently so the demobilisation and remobilisation process can commence immediately and conclude before the winter months, when demand for housing repairs typically increases significantly. The strategy outlined in the paper is for the handover date to be 29th October - something that is only possible if the decision is made via Leader's Urgency, as the demobilisation/remobilisation process will take two months (it will involve a TUPE transfer between contractors). If demobilisation and remobilisation is delayed there is a major risk of service failure during the winter months and a negative impact on tenant satisfaction and wellbeing.