Key Decisions List

Urgent Key Decision List - May 2019 (Published 16 May 2019) 

Plan items
No. Item


Leader's Urgent Decision - Procurement Strategy and Business case in respect of Telephony for duty numbers 2019/2020 New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

Decision:   Before 24 May 2019

Lead officer:  Veronica Barella

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/05/2019

Reason for urgency:
The recommended solution needs to be in place before teams begin to decant as part of the West King Street Regeneration programme in June 2019. For business continuity purposes, staff need appropriate telephony in place and a decision needs to be taken before the next Cabinet meeting to purchase the required products.

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons


Leader's Urgent Decision - Tackling Food Poverty in our schools New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

Decision:   Before 31 May 2019

Lead officer:  Nick Kimber

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/05/2019

Reason for urgency:
Required to enable commissioning and mobilsation to deliver activity from September 2019

Anticipated restriction: Open  -