Key Decisions List

Forward Plan 99 - Period covered August to November 2010 (published 15 July 2010) 

Plan items
No. Item


IT Strategy 2010-2013

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Jackie Hudson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Residents Services Changes to Fees and Charges Effective from 1 October 2010

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Gary Hannaway

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Treasury Management Outturn Report 09-10

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Full Council

Decision:   27 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Rosie Watson, Pat Gough

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Building Regulations Charging Scheme - New Regulations for Chargeable Elements of Building Control Services

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Inger Eriksson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Match Day Parking Scheme Proposals for Zones South of the Talgarth Road

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Naveed Ahmed

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


2010/11 Revenue Budget- Month 2 Amendments New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Jane West

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Library Strategy 2009-14 - Update and Review

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   10 Jan 2011

Originally due:   3 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Donna Pentelow

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


World Class Financial Management (WCFM) Transformation Programme

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Caroline Wilkinson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Outcome of Out of Hours Service Review - Proposal to Transfer Service to HFBP and the Rochdale Contact Centre

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Originally due:   15 Mar 2010

Lead officer:  David Page

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Council's Corporate Plan 2012/14 & Executive Summary

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   21 Mar 2011

Originally due:   2 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Ellen Lamparter

Decision status:  No longer a Key Decision


Hostel Improvement Report

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Daren Daly

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Playbuilder - Year 2

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   14 Oct 2010

Originally due:   20 Sep 2010

Lead officer:  Rob Kelly

Decision status:  No longer a Key Decision


William Parnell Park Improvement Project

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Marlene Pope

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Cycle Training For Children, Students and Adults and Related Services

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Richard Evans

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Review of the Licensing Policy 2010

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Full Council

Decision due:   27 Oct 2010

Decision status:  No longer a Key Decision


Sex Establishment Licensing Policy

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Full Council

Decision due:   27 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Stephanie Needham

Decision status:  No longer a Key Decision


New Kings Primary School - Alterations to Create a Children's Centre New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Inger Eriksson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


The General Fund Capital Programme, Housing Revenue Capital Programme and Revenue Budget 2010/11 – Month 3 and 4 Amendments New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   14 Oct 2010

Lead officer:  Jane West

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Consultation Transport Plan for Hammersmith & Fulham

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   16 Dec 2010

Lead officer:  Nick Boyle

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Parks Capital Improvement Programme

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Feb 2011

Lead officer:  Rob Kelly

Decision status:  No longer a Key Decision