Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Third Sector Investment Fund Strategy Report'
- Councillor Bora Kwon - Other significant Interest - Councillor Bora Kwon declared a significant interest on this item as a Trustee of the Hammersmith Lyric Theatre. She left the room during the consideration of the item and did not vote.
- Councillor Sharon Holder - Other significant Interest - Councillor Sharon Holder declared a significant interest on this item as a Trustee of Action on Disability. She left the room during the consideration of the item and did not vote.
- Councillor Wesley Harcourt - Other significant Interest - Councillor Wesley Harcourt declared a significant interest on this item as a Trustee of the Hammersmith & Fulham Citizens Advice Bureau. He left the room during the consideration of the item and did not vote.