Issue details

Grant of lease to the West London Free School Academy Trust (WLFS) for temporary use of the Cambridge School Site, Cambridge Grove W6

This report seeks Cabinet authority to grant a short-term, 3 year lease to WLFS for temporary use of the Cambridge School site, Cambridge Grove W6 for a Free School pending completion of WLFS's proposed purchase from the Council of Palingswick House and its refurbishment as its preferred Free School location. As part of the Council's Schools of Choice strategy, the Council welcomes the opportunity to host the West London Free School. The lease will enable WLFS to open in September 2011, providing extra choice and opportunities at a secondary level for parents and children within the borough. The Cambridge School site will be vacant at the end of July 2011 when the existing school relocates to the Bryony Centre.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant in 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Report access: Open report with exempt appendix;

Decision due: 18 Jul 2011 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Education (expired July 2024)

Department: Children's Services Department

Contact: David Jones Email: Tel: 020 8753 2841.

Consultation process

A thorough consultation about the relocation of Cambridge School was undertaken in the development of the SEN Strategy. The results of the consultation were reported to Cabinet on 2nd March 2009.

Cambridge School consulted its stakeholders, including the DfE, its pupils' parents and its staff's unions, about its relocation to the Bryony Centre.

West London Free School consulted its stakeholders.


The consulted parties for the SEN consultation were: schools, parents, members of parliament, Councillor Members, neighbouring authorities and local interest groups. See above ‘Consultation process’ for details of other consultees.

Background papers

  • Cabinet decision of 7th February 2011 to release Palingswick House for disposal.  
  • Cabinet report on the 29th March 2010.  
  • School Organisation Strategy 2011/12  
  • Leaders Urgency Decision of 4th March 2011 for Relocation of Cambridge School to Bryony Centre.