Issue details

Disposal of Air Rights at Planetree Court

This report recommends the disposal of air rights above the vehicular entrance of Council owned accommodation at Planetree Court to the adjacent Jacques Prevert school to facilitate classroom and playground expansion for the school.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Income over £5m & policies or new income, reserves use, overspend over £300K;

Decision status: Item Deferred

Wards affected: Avonmore and Brook Green;

Report access: Exempt;

Decision due: 10 Oct 2011 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness

Department: The Environment department

Contact: Ian Ruegg Email: Tel: 020 8753 1722.

Consultation process

Ongoing consultation with residents of Planetree Court and local residents.


Director of Finance and Corporate Services, Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) and Assistant Director of IT and Procurement

Director of Environment
Head of Building Property Management
H&F Homes



Background papers

  • Jacques Prevert File