Issue details

Family Assessment Service - Contract Variation

Hammersmith & Fulham’s Family Assessment Service (FAS) is currently provided via a block contract with Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2020 at an annual contract cost of £549,992. LBHF and WCC currently pay 50% each of that annual value, at £274,996 p.a.

However LBHF's ongoing activity levels for this service have proven to be higher, at 70% usage for H&F vs 30% usage for WCC over the initial three years of the contract. This report therefore seeks Cabinet approval for variation of the contract to allow LBHF to assume responsibility for funding 65% of the remaining two years of the provision.
If approved the current annual contract cost of £549,992 would be varied by £82,499 p.a., to a a contribution of £357,495 for LBHF and £192,497 for WCC, at a total contract cost to LBHF of £714,990 for the remaining two years of the contract, if the full contract period is utilised.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Income over £5m & policies or new income, reserves use, overspend over £300K;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/03/2019

Report access: Open;

Report Type: Key Decision;

Decision due: 29 Apr 2019 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Education

Lead director: Director Children's Services

Department: Children's Services Department

Contact: Craig Holden Email: Tel: 07850 541 477.


Relevant social work managers have been actively involved in the consideration of the contract variation. They are in agreement with the recommendations set out in this report.

What is the total value of the decision?: Yes- but less than £500k for LBHF- BDT?


Agenda items


  • Family Assessment Service - Contract Variation