Issue details

Leader's Urgent Decision - EU Funding Bid To Support Establishment Of A Refugee And Migrant Integration Hub In Hammersmith And Fulham

This report proposes to bid for £1,263,071 of EU funding to establish a one stop migrant integration centre in Hammersmith and Fulham.  A Refugee and Migrant Integration Hub would enable refugees and migrants to speedily acquire skills needed to successfully integrate into British society and communities and reduce isolation and alienation.  The EU Asylum and Integration Fund has £40m in project funding to disburse to successful applicants.  The bid requires 25% of match funding from successful bidders. The match funding requiring a Leaders Urgent Decision is £315,768 over a 24-month period. 


Reasons for urgency:


Officers intend to bid for £1,263,071 of grant money from the EU Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund. The deadline for submission of the bid is 5pm May 9th. The bid requires 25% match funding which equates to £315,768. 


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Income over £5m & policies or new income, reserves use, overspend over £300K;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/05/2018

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Deadline for the bid is Wednesday 9th May 2018

Report access: Open;

Report Type: Key Decision;

Decision due: 9 May 2018 by Leader of the Council

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Education (expired July 2024)

Lead director: Director Children's Services

Department: Children's Services Department

Contact: Steve Miley, Director for Children's Services Email: Tel: 020 8753 2300.
