Issue details

Delegated Officer decision; Award FSS contract to LATC

In Cabinet on October 16 and March 17, Cabinet delegated the decision to award the FSS contract and establish working capital to the Director of Children's Commissioning, now Director of Public Services Reform.
This is an Officer delegated decision

The decision is to award a one year contract (with the ability to extend for a further 2 years) for the provision of integrated borough wide universal and targeted services to children, young people and families, up to the 18/19 contract value of £6.83m and contract value of £9.34m in 2019/20 if extended.

The working capital will be the equivalent of 3 months contract value, paid in advance; approx. £1.7m

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2018

Report Type: Key Decision;

Decision due: March 2017 by Officer's Delegated Decision

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Education (expired July 2024)

Lead director: Director Public Service Reform

Department: Children's Services Department

Contact: Sarah Thomas Email:


Cabinet members for Children and Education, and Health and Adult Social Care were part of the cabinet decision to establish the FSS, do develop a special purpose vehicle and both approved the cabinet paper agreeing delegation of decision to officer and contract value
other consultees include legal, HR, procurement, property and finance colleagues,