The report outlines revised LOTS to ensure
external advice can be secured on a wide range of property advice
to ensure the administrations outcomes on assets are
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure/ Income above £300K - Revenue up to £500k and Capital up to 1.5m;
Decision status: No longer a Key Decision
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/05/2017
Report access: Open;
Report Type: Key Decision;
Decision due: June 2020 by Strategic Director of the Economy Department
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform
Lead director: Director for Building and Property Management
Contact: Nigel Brown Email: Tel: 020 8753 2835, David Burns, Head of Housing Strategy Email:
All internal stakeholders
What is the total value of the decision?: No - SLT