Issue details

Review of the Licensing Policy 2010

The Licensing Act requires a licensing authority to prepare, consult and publish a statement of its licensing policy every three years.

The policy is due for review this year and has been prepared in accordance with the guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: No longer a Key Decision

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Report access: Open;

Decision due: 14 Oct 2010 by Cabinet

Decision due: 27 Oct 2010 by Full Council

Lead member: Deputy Leader

Department: Delivery and Value Department

Contact: Sanju Manji Email: Tel: 020 8578 3392.

Consultation process

The Consultation will take place for 12 weeks from 08/06/2010 to. 30/08/2010


• Residents
• Responsible Authorities
• Councillors
• Metropolitan Police;
• London Fire, Emergency and Planning Authority;
• Representatives of holders of premises licences in the borough;
• Representatives of holders of club premises certificates in the borough;
• Representatives of holders of personal licences in the borough;
• Representatives of residents and businesses in the area, including resident groups, tenants associations and societies;
• The Area Child Protection Committee; Health service including PCT, Accident and Emergency and the London Ambulance service;
• British Transport Police;
• Public transport undertakers;
• Neighbouring authorities;
• British Institute of Inn keeping;
• Chamber of Commerce;
• Drug and alcohol action team;
• Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership;
• Trade unions;
• Other relevant organisations that could be affected by this policy.

Agenda items