ePetition details

Build More Low Cost Social Housing.

We the undersigned petition the council to I would like the Council to conduct an urgent review of its' Housing Plan and Housing policies to tackle the local low-cost housing shortage crisis, I would like it to carry out a borough wide door to door survey carried out by an independent body to be used to work out local demand for low cost housing and if needs be adapt its’ Housing Plan and housing policies.

The Council's Housing Plan and Housing policies are based mainly on building market rent and sale and affordable residential units that have a rent capped at 80% of local market rents, due to upward market forces on rents locally, these types of residential units are no longer affordable or accessible to single people who aren't earning over £45,000 pa

On reaching 1 signatures an officer will investigate the matter further

This ePetition ran from 13/02/2024 to 13/05/2024 and has now finished.

One person signed this ePetition.

Council response

The Council, in the course of setting its housing policies, undertakes a very detailed and robust housing needs assessment. The most recent assessment was undertaken in 2018 by Opinion Research Services, who are recognised as leaders in the field of housing needs assessments. The assessment concluded a need to provide additional affordable housing for 8,756 households over the period 2016-41. It found that the vast majority of households who require affordable housing (7,200 households of the 8,756 households) would need housing benefit support to afford housing at London Living Rents or Affordable Rent levels.

The findings of the assessment have informed the current housing policies, which seek to secure the maximum amount of affordable housing from new development and, therein, prioritises social rented affordable homes.

The Council is commencing a review of its Local Plan this year and will be commissioning a new housing needs assessment. As with previous assessments, this will consider a broad definition of households in housing need and interrogate data from a wide range of sources. As with the 2018 assessment, this will include households that are unable to afford their housing costs, including those living in the market rented sector in the Borough.

However, it is important to note that the most significant and detrimental impacts to the availability and affordability of new affordable housing, are changes introduced since 2011 by Government. These changes include the broadening of the definition of affordable housing to include low cost home ownership products and the substantial reduction in Government grant available to acquire new affordable homes - the average grant per dwelling has dropped by 60%. These are matters outside of local council control and beyond local housing policies to address.