ePetition details

Caxton Village (W12) Parking Problems

We the undersigned petition the council to Request the following changes to the controlled parking Zone G for the Caxton Village Area containing the six streets of Bulwer Street, Aldine Street, Caxton Road, Tadmor Street, Sterne Street and Shepherd’s Bush Place: (a) increase the parking restrictions to 24 hours a day, seven days a week permit holders only; (b) no blue badge parking except for resident and resident visitor parking permit holders (as is the case in nearby MacFarlane Road); (c) increase resource and time period for enforcement patrols to support these greater restrictions.

The Caxton Village Area (W12), containing the six streets of Bulwer Street, Aldine Street, Caxton Road, Tadmor Street, Sterne Street and Shepherd’s Bush Place, falls within parking zone G in the Shepherd’s Bush Green ward. Parking restrictions in this area currently only apply from Monday to Sunday between the hours of 6.30pm and 8.00pm. The parking bays are shared between resident and visitor use via the RingGo parking app.

The Caxton Village area is situated between Shepherd’s Bush Green to the south and Westfield London Shopping Centre to the north.

As a result of this proximity to Shepherd’s Bush Green, Caxton Village is frequented, in high volume, by motor vehicles parking on our streets prior to visiting the shops and fast food outlets on Uxbridge Road, or as a result of the long programme of very large events that take place on Shepherd’s Bush Green (Circus Extreme, Fun Fairs etc). This often results in there being no available parking spaces for permit holders. Further, this use of parking frequently results in vehicle owners idling their engines whilst eating fast food in their car and disposing of their fast food litter directly onto the streets and pavements, alongside escalating aggression as motorists compete over available parking bays by using their horns and verbal abuse. Another consequence of our proximity to Shepherd’s Bush Green and Westfield London is the volume of taxi drivers and food delivery mopeds/vehicles parking on our streets as they wait for their next collection.

Late at night, the level of noise as a result of all of the above is sufficient to disturb the peace of local residents and many families residing in the streets of Caxton Village often highlight this noise wakes them and their young children.

As a result of Caxton Village’s proximity to Westfield London Shopping Centre (and the large number of restaurant and bar venues on the Westfield Southern Terrace), local residents are frequently unable to find a parking space on their or a surrounding street. This is particularly problematic at weekends when our six streets are filled with a constant influx of traffic as people drive around our streets until they find an available bay to park in. Many residents report having to unload their cars and children more than 100 metres away from surrounding streets, if they are able to park at all.

We are requesting no blue badge parking except for resident and resident visitor parking permit holders (as is the case in nearby MacFarlane Road) as a result of the unsustainable level of blue badge parking in Caxton Village. Many local residents have taken the initiative to count the level of blue badges in use at any one point in time and it is often the case that the vast majority of bays are being used by blue badge holders. There is knowledge within the council that the streets of Caxton Village are known to be areas of high blue badge fraud. The council even employs enforcement officers in plain clothes in the area to attempt to address this issue, yet the frequency and level of enforcement is insufficient relative to the volume of blue badge use.

It is the perception of residents, through witnessing the behaviour of many blue badge users, that this is the result of fraudulent use by visitors at Westfield London Shopping Centre. The vast majority of blue badge holders park and then walk up Bulwer Street to the junction of Wood Lane where they then proceed to Westfield London Shopping Centre. For genuine blue badge users, there appears to be no good reason to park in Caxton Village and walk, given Westfield London offers free parking for blue badge holders four hours per day, seven days per week in every car park at the centre with onward lift access to the centre.

It has been highlighted by an employee of Westfield London that free parking is only granted upon validation of the blue badge from within Westfield London. Should the person presenting the blue badge not represent the photo on the blue badge, parking will not be validated. It is clear therefore that fraudulent blue badge users gain an advantage from parking in Caxton Village instead of Westfield London as they can take advantage of free, time unlimited parking just a few minutes’ walk away from the shopping centre.

These reasons make parking in the roads of Caxton Village particularly attractive to shoppers and diners at both Westfield and Shepherd’s Bush Green, creating a disproportionately high level of use from vehicles not linked to residents in any way.

Our requested increase in restrictions and enforcement patrols will allow for residents and their visitors to make use of the permits they pay for each year, and be able to park at a safe and reasonable distance from their home, which today is so often not the case. We further believe the proposed increase in restrictions will reduce traffic on our residential streets, which will also reduce pollution from motor vehicles, noise and littering. We believe these changes would materially improve the living conditions and wellbeing for the residents of Caxton Village.

This ePetition ran from 16/05/2023 to 20/06/2023 and has now finished.

272 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

Cabinet addressed the issues raised.

Details can be found: