
This page contains a comprehensive record of all Leader's Urgent Decisions, Cabinet Decisions, and Officer Decisions. It also shows Cabinet Members' Decisions from December 2016 onwards. To search for earlier Cabinet Members' Decisions click on Search Committee Documents then filter by committee, choosing the 'Cabinet Members' Decisions' option.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Pavement licences under Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 ref: 486015/07/202430/07/20240
Contract for the provision of vehicles to the Housing Department ref: 485915/07/202424/07/2024Call-in expired
Queensmill School transitional funding ref: 485615/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Hammersmith Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document ref: 485715/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired
Third Sector Investment Fund Strategy Report ref: 485515/07/202420/07/2024Call-in expired