Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Procurement Strategy for Professional Services24/07/2024For Determination19/09/2024
Replacement Of Fridges / Freezers and Postmortem Room Upgrade including equipment at the Public Mortuary24/07/2024For Determination22/08/2024
Local Plan Review17/07/2024For Determination07/10/2024
Contract award for the demolition of Linford Christie changing room and shower block17/07/2024For Determination15/08/2024
Supporting the increased use of solar panels in the borough through planning.16/07/2024For Determination07/10/2024
Procurement strategy and award of contract for the major refurbishment of various void properties15/07/2024For Determination05/09/2024
Award of contract for White City major refurbishment Phase 1 incorporating works to Batman Close, Davis House, Evans House, Mackay House, White City estate W1215/07/2024For Determination22/08/2024
Fire Door Installation Programme (Phase 1).15/07/2024For Determination07/10/2024