
This page contains a comprehensive record of all Leader's Urgent Decisions, Cabinet Decisions, and Officer Decisions. It also shows Cabinet Members' Decisions from December 2016 onwards. To search for earlier Cabinet Members' Decisions click on Search Committee Documents then filter by committee, choosing the 'Cabinet Members' Decisions' option.

Decisions published

08/09/2022 - Payment Services ref: 4491    Recommendations Approved

To approve the procurement strategy for the provision of Merchant Acquirer Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform

Decision published: 13/09/2022

Effective from: 16/09/2022


1.    Approves that appendix 1 is not for publication on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.    For the procurement of merchant services, it is recommended that the Council runs a mini competition within the Crown Framework RM6118 Lot 1. The contract would be for 3 years from 2022 with the option to extend for a further 1 years. The estimated value of the contract would be Circa £500k per annum (This being what the Council pays today, however the total amount will be dependent on volume and transactions travelling through this merchant service).


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Christopher Harris

05/09/2022 - Treasury Management Outturn Report 2021/22 ref: 4487    Recommendations Approved

To note the annual Treasury Management Outturn Report for 2021/22.


Reasons for Urgency:


The report sets out the Treasury Outturn for 2021/22 and complements the Revenue and Capital Outturn Reports that are being considered by Cabinet on the 5th September.  It will allow members to simultaneously consider all the financial matters for 2021/22 and also discharge the recommendation by our external auditors (made at the end of July) that this report should be considered by Cabinet.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


That Cabinet note the annual Treasury Management Outturn Report for 2021/22.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sukvinder Kalsi

05/09/2022 - Business Objectives 2022/23 ref: 4489    Recommendations Approved

To consider and approve the 2022/23 Business Objectives document, which sets out the Council's priorities for this year.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


That the Cabinet approves the Hammersmith & Fulham Council Business Objectives document for 2022/23.  


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stefan Robinson

05/09/2022 - Capital Programme Monitor & Budget Variations, 2021/22 (Outturn) ref: 4485    Recommendations Approved

This report provides a summary of the Council’s capital programme outturn for the financial year 2021/22 and requests approval for budget variations to the capital programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


1.    To approve the proposed budget variations to the capital programme as summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix 2.


2.    To approve £1.75m additional capital budget for the Civic Campus commercial property cinema site fit out, as detailed in the paragraphs 10-13 of the report.


3.    To note the capital outturn for the year.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Lord

05/09/2022 - Adoption of the Affordable Workspace SPD ref: 4488    Recommendations Approved

Supplementary Planning Document to help deliver affordable workspace. The SPD was approved for adoption by Cabinet on 7th March. Revisions have been made to the document to take account of the current financial landscape.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


1.      ThatCabinet considersthe technicalchanges tothe SPDdetailed inAppendix 1.


2.      ThatCabinet approvesthe adoptionof the SPD(Appendix 2)which includesthe technical changes.


3.      That Cabinet gives delegated authority to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultationwith theCabinet Memberfor Economy,to makeany furtherminor changes to the SPD prior to adoption, should they be necessary.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Gawthorpe

05/09/2022 - 2021/22 Provisional Revenue Outturn Report ref: 4484    Recommendations Approved

Revenue outturn position for the Council's General Fund for 2021/22.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


1.            To note the General Fund underspend of £6.7m.


2.            To note that the draw down from the Housing Revenue Account general balance of £2.0m which was £2.4m less than budgeted.


3.            To note the in-year reduction in the Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block cumulative overspend of £4.9m and remaining cumulative deficit of £11.8m.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Elizabeth Nash

05/09/2022 - 2022/23 Corporate Revenue Monitor - Month 2 (May 2022) ref: 4486    Recommendations Approved

To provide an update on forecast outturn for 2022/23 in line with Financial Regulations. To request budget virements if required.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/09/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 06/09/2022

Effective from: 09/09/2022


1.            To note General Fund forecast overspend of £4.334m.


2.            To note that the forecast draw down from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) general balance is £4.453m, £0.403m more than budgeted.


3.            To note the in-year Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block forecasted surplus of £0.582m, reducing the cumulative deficit.


4.            To approve General Fund virements totalling £4.494m and HRA virements totalling £0.377m as detailed in appendix 10.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Lord, Elizabeth Nash

30/08/2022 - Alternative Provision and Behaviour and Reintegration Outreach Support ref: 4483    Recommendations Approved

Approval of funding and contract award for provision of services.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Education

Decision published: 02/09/2022

Effective from: 07/09/2022


The Cabinet Member for Children and Education approves:


1.    Transitional funding of £282,544 to Ormiston Academy Trust for the delivery of Alternative Provision in H&F.


2.    The revised top-up rate for Alternative Provision of £14,521 with spend up to £769,613 for the academic year 01/09/2022-31/08/2023.


3.    The revised top-up rate for EHC provision of £24,521 with spend up to £269,731 for the academic year 01/09/2022-31/08/2023.


4.    The direct award of a one-year contract from the 01/09/2022-31/08/2023 to Ormiston Academy Trust for the provision of a Behaviour and Reintegration Support Outreach Service at a total cost of £310,000.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Joe Gunning

01/09/2022 - Authorise agreement of a lease of surplus space at Melcombe Primary School to Kensington Wade School and approve a licence for alterations waiver ref: 4482    Recommendations Approved

To approve a tenancy allowing a maximum three-year lease rental with a one-year break clause for six unused classrooms at Melcombe Primary School and associated non-teaching space to Kensington Wade School at a rental of £64,376 per annum

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Education

Decision published: 01/09/2022

Effective from: 01/09/2022


1.    To agree that Appendices 1 and 2 are not for publication on the basis that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.    To approve Option one. Agree to the lease and grant a waiver for KWS to undertake works under a licence for alterations.


3.    To note that the Option one provides additional income to benefit pupils at Melcombe through utilising unused space in line with the School Organisation and SEN Sufficiency Strategy. The proposal creates opportunities for curriculum enrichment for pupils at both Melcombe and Kensington Wade.


4.    To note that the additional building work conducted at the expense of KWS will enhance the school for the benefit of pupils and staff.


5.    To note that the external funding of works will relieve pressure on the CHS schools’ maintenance budget.


Lead officer: Christine Edwards

29/08/2022 - Procurement Strategy for ad hoc complex void works and complex repairs to council housing stock ref: 4481    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval of an overarching Procurement Strategy to source suitable contractors to undertake ad hoc major void works and complex repairs to the council’s housing stock

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness

Decision published: 30/08/2022

Effective from: 02/09/2022


1.    That the Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness approves a Procurement Strategy for the procurement, as required, of suitable contracts to undertake ad hoc complex void works and complex repairs to housing properties. Each contract will be procured and awarded subject to budget availability with contracts having a maximum aggregated value of £2.5m.


2.    To note that there are currently 24 properties requiring complex void works and complex repairs which will vary in scope but the aim will be to make them all available for letting by the end of the 2022/23 financial year. This will contribute to the target of reducing the proportion of void properties to no more than 1% of the stock.


3.    To note further updates on progress will be provided to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Vince Conway