Issue - decisions

Approval of delegated award of Sex and Relationship and Substance Misuse Education Contract

14/11/2011 - Approval to Delegate Award of Sex and Relationships and Substance Misuse Education Contract

1.      That the joint commissioning of this service be approved.


2.      That approval be given to enter into a contract for a value of £148,810 from Hammersmith & Fulham.


3.      That approval be given to a 16 month contract from 1 December 2011 to 31 March 2013 with a possible extension of up to two years, subject to funding and good performance.


4.      That Contract Standing Orders be waived (for the reasons detailed under section 3.4.1 of the report ) and the awarding of the contract for the delivery of Sex and Relationship and Substance Misuse Education Programme be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services in conjunction with the Tri-borough Executive Director of Children’s Services.