Issue - decisions

Disposal of Edith Summerskill House, Clem Attlee Estate

07/09/2011 - Disposal of Edith Summerskill House, Clem Attlee Estate

1. That Edith Summerskill House be declared surplus to Housing and Regeneration Department requirements (subject to consultation with secure tenants and leaseholders, to achieving vacant possession).


2. That tenants (and any leaseholders the Council will have a duty to rehouse) of Edith Summerskill House be awarded  decant status with immediate effect and that decant costs be paid


3. That officers be authorised to serve (when they consider appropriate) interim and final demolition notices on secure tenants of Edith Summerskill House to inhibit any future Right to Buy applications.


4. That at the appropriate time officers are authorised to seek Secretary of State approval for a redevelopment scheme in respect of Edith Summerskill House for the purposes of Ground 10A of Schedule 2 Housing Act 1985 and do all things incidental, in order to recover possession; the Director of Housing and Regeneration to consider any representations received in any consultation connected with the approval of a redevelopment scheme for Ground 10A purposes or otherwise and to report back only if he considers it necessary.


5. That the Director of Housing and Regeneration be authorised (with the approval of the Director of Finance and Corporate Services) and in conjunction with the Head of Valuation and Property Services to acquire or terminate by negotiation or otherwise all interests in Edith Summerskill House and to authorise the making and implementation of any requisite compulsory purchase order and to do all things consequential or incidental to any of the foregoing.


6. That officers be authorised to procure from potential developers a bid or bids to purchase and refurbish or redevelop Edith Summerskill House (where   appropriate) via any applicable EU procurement route; the development brief to be approved by the Cabinet Members for Housing and for Environment and Asset Management and the final selection of purchaser/developer to be made or approved by Cabinet.


7.  That 100% of the capital receipt (after the deduction of appropriate costs) is used for future affordable housing and regeneration purposes be approved.