Issue - decisions

Tied Accommodation and Disposals

20/07/2011 - Tied Accommodation and Disposals

1.      That officers be authorised to agree and pay compensation payments to the tenants occupying the tied properties and to schools based on the scheme detailed in the separate report on the exempt Cabinet agenda.


2.      That in the circumstances where the compensation payment exceeds the budget for disposal (4% of the capital receipt), this will be met from a revenue budget.


3.      That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Director for Children’s Services, the Assistant Director Building and Property Management and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) to declare the school keepers’ houses referred to in this report and additional school keepers houses’ as surplus to requirements and available for sale (subject to any requisite Secretary of State consent) as and when these properties are identified.


4.      That authority is delegated to the Cabinet Member for Residents Services, in consultation with the Director of Residents Services, the Assistant Director Building and Property Management and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services), to declare the tied properties referred to in this report and additional tied properties held by Residents Services as surplus to requirements and (subject to statutory public notice) available for sale as and when these properties are identified (authority to include consideration of any objections duly received in response to any such notice).


5.      That subject to the approval of recommendations 3 and 4 above, the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) and the Assistant Director of Building and Property Management are authorised to dispose of the properties in the open market for the best price reasonably obtainable and otherwise on such terms and conditions as they consider appropriate.


6.      To confirm the policy outlined in paragraph 13 of the report that sets out the process for communicating with occupants of tied accommodation liable to be displaced or re-housed.