Issue - decisions

Supporting the increased use of solar panels in the borough through planning.

08/10/2024 - Proposed Local Development Order & Local Listed Building Development Order - Solar Panels

  1. To approve the making of a draft Local Development Order (LDO) and draft Local Listed Building Consent Order (LLBCO) to allow solar PV panels to be erected on properties in the borough.


  1. That approval be given for a statutory public consultation on the draft Local Development Order and draft Local Listed Building Consent Order. 


  1. That delegated authority is given to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Economy, to approve the final format of the consultation papers and, following consideration of representations, adopt the LDO (appendix 1) and LLBCO (appendix 2) post consultation, subject to there not being material changes to either Order as a result of the consultation.