Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Monitor & Budget Variations, 2023/24 (Outturn)

10/09/2024 - Capital Programme Monitor & Budget Variations, 2023/24 (Outturn)

  1. To note the capital outturn for the year of £184.8m.


  1. To approve the proposed budget variations to the capital programme (2023/24 to 2026/27) as summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix 1.


  1. To approve additional budget of £0.55m for the Council’s agreed contribution towards Education City Youth Zone build, funded from General Fund borrowing.


  1. To approve an additional £3.277m budget in relation to pre–agreed works within the HRA asset and compliance programme, funded from HRA borrowing.


  1. To approve an additional budget of £1,510m on energy efficiency works at Philpot Square across 2024/25 and 2025/26, of which £0.755m will be funded by the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme grant and £0.755m from HRA borrowing.