Issue - decisions

South Fulham (West) Clean Air Neighbourhood

05/03/2024 - South Fulham (West) Clean Air Neighbourhood

1.         That Cabinet notes and carefully considers the feedback received for the South Fulham (West) Clean Air Neighbourhood trial carried out from the time the experimental traffic management order detailed in the body of this report was made on 14th December 2022 (“ the Trial”)  in addition to the independent polling analysis (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2), alongside the data collected as part of the trial.


2.         That Cabinet approves the consulting and publication of the proposal to make  a permanent traffic management order for the South Fulham (West) Clean Air Neighbourhood project (as detailed in the section Permanent Order based on the Trial ) and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Realm to consider the responses received and make and publish the making of the permanent order  along with any necessary associated highway works subject to the outcome of the statutory consultation process.


3.         That Cabinet approves the publication of an experimental traffic order to implement further vehicle restrictions in Clancarty Road and Settrington Road (as detailed in the section New Experimental Order identified during the Trial) along with any necessary associated highway works.


4.         That Cabinet gives authority to the Strategic Director of Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Realm to take all necessary steps to affect the decisions in recommendations 2 and 3.