Issue - decisions

Insurance Tender 2014 – 2029

13/02/2024 - Insurance Tender 2024-2029

1.    To note that Appendices 2 & 3 are not for publication on the basis that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.    To approve the contract awards set out in paragraph 38 of the report.


3.    To approve an increase to the self-insurance fund deductible limit for Combined Liability (Lot 2) from £100,000 to £350,000. The financial rationale is detailed in the report at paragraph 11 and Appendix 2.


4.    To note that in summary however, the annual premium of the bid is reduced by £164K with an anticipated increase in the self-funding provision of circa £75K and therefore net additional saving on bid of £90K noting that given variances in claims experience year on year this needs to be considered over the contract period.


5.    To note that Lots 1 (Property Insurance) and Lot 9 (Residential Leasehold Buildings insurance) are not to be awarded at this time and as detailed on the report are subject to a further tender process as detailed in this report at paragraphs 32 to 36.


6.    To approve a delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Finance in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform to subsequently approve the award of Lots 1 and 9, noting they need to be in place prior to 1st April 2024.