Issue - decisions

New homes for refugee communities

21/07/2023 - New homes for refugee communities

That the Leader of the Council:


1.         Notes the Director of Finance’s approval to accept grant funding from the Refugee Housing Programme and the Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2


2.         Approves the creation of a capital budget of £16,800,000 for the Refugee Housing Programme, to be partly funded by £8,400,000 capital grant from the GLA;


3.         Approves the creation of a further capital budget of £2,655,000, of which £1,062,000 will be partly funded by capital grant from DLUHC’s Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2;


4.         Approves the acquisitions under these budgets and delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Economy, in consultation with the Director of Finance, to select and complete acquisitions of properties under each capital acquisition budget and approve associated expenditure;


5.         Notes that each individual acquisition will require a delegated authority report seeking approval from the Strategic Director of Economy, in consultation with the Director of Finance.