1. To note the net increase in forecast capital expenditure of £10.7m for 2023/24.
2. To approve the updated four-year capital programme for 2023-2027 of £653m as detailed in Appendix 1.
3. To approve £4,890,000 additional budget with regards to Hammersmith Bridge stabilisation works, funded from General Fund borrowing.
4. To approve £3,389,000 additional budget for Clean Air Neighbourhoods scheme, funded from Transport for London (TfL), Section 106 and parking reserve contributions.
5. To approve £176,000 additional budget in relation to Business Intelligence (BI) development work, funded from General Fund borrowing.
6. To approve the additional budget in relation to the self-financing schemes as noted in Appendix 4.
7. To note the potential risks regarding the General Fund Programme, as summarised in paragraphs 18-23.
8. To note the potential risks regarding the Housing Capital Programme, as summarised in paragraphs 24-28.
9. To note prudential indicators presented in Appendix 5, as per Prudential Code requirements.