Issue - decisions

H&F Buildings report

09/02/2011 - H&F Buildings consultation report

1.   That the following properties are no longer required by the Council and are approved for released for disposal (on terms considered appropriate by the Assistant Director (Building and Property) and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services):


a.   Cambridge House and Barclay House: the Council should vacate the buildings at the earliest opportunity and relocate staff to remaining accessible sites.


b.   Fulham Town Hall: With the relocation of services, it is declared to be no longer required by the Council and can be released for disposal.


c.   Distillery Lane Centre: (subject to public notice under Section 123(2A) Local Government Act 1972 and consideration of any objections received). Please refer to paragraph 21.5 in the report.


2.   That the Council can no longer afford to keep and maintain the following properties (or subsidise others to do so) and that they are disposed of on terms which the Assistant Director (Building and Property) and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) consider appropriate:


a.   Askham Centre: (subject to possible short term use first and to relocation of services)


b.   Palingswick House: is declared too costly to keep and maintain and can be released for disposal.


c.   58 Bulwer Street: is declared too costly to keep and maintain and can be released for disposal.


d.   The Greswell Centre: (subject to alternative accommodation being offered to Hammersmith & Fulham Action on Disability in the White City Collaborative Care Centre).


e.   20 Hammersmith Broadway (Information Centre): That the current lease is not renewed; and to offer to surrender the premises back to the landlord or (failing that) sub let the premises to a retailer paying a market rent (after offering first refusal to the current occupant). The terms of such surrender or sub-letting to be as the Assistant Director(Building and Property) and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) consider appropriate.


3.   That Cabinet revoke its decision made in January 2009 to extend the lease of the Irish Cultural Centre to Irish Cultural Centre Hammersmith Ltd.  The property to be released for disposal at best consideration with the tenant being offered first refusal when the current lease expires in March 2012. Terms of disposal to be as the Assistant Director (Building and Property) and the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) consider appropriate.


4.   That a decision on the future of 50 Commonwealth Avenue be deferred until the Day Opportunities review has concluded. 


5.   That delegated authority is given to the Leader of the Council and relevant Cabinet Member to procure a managing agent that will manage the Edward Woods Community Hub.  This would be under a framework agreement, whereby other buildings/ hubs owned by the Council could potentially be managed by the same organisation. 


6.   That the Council explore options for developing further community hubs in the borough as opportunities arise.


7.   That delegated authority is given to the Leader of the Council and relevant Cabinet Member to conclude all matters relating to the implementation of the above recommendations (with power to sub-delegate to the relevant departmental Director).