Issue - decisions

Award of Term Contract for Tree Maintenance 2011-2014

20/04/2011 - Award of Term Contract for Tree Maintenance 2011-2014

1.   That the Term Contract for Tree Maintenance 2011 - 2014 as set out in the report on the exempt part of the Cabinet agenda, commencing on 1 April 2011 and running for a period of three years through to 31 March 2014 (with the possibility of two 12 month extensions), on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender received as detailed in this report be approved.


2. That the annual current notional value of the contract is in the region of £200,000, and that  the value may go up or down depending on the work ordered through the contract, but that all works ordered under the contract will be subject to the appropriate budget being available be noted.