Issue - decisions

Investing in New Affordable Homes in the Borough

19/07/2022 - Investing in New Affordable Homes in the Borough

That Cabinet:


1.     Approves that appendices 1-4 are not for publication on the basis that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.     Approves a project development budget of £900,878 for progression and delivery of LBHF’s development Gateway 2 – Planning (RIBA Stages 2+3) & Gateway 3 - Procurement (RIBA Stage 4) for Barclay Close, funded from new Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing.


3.     Approves a project development budget of £1,677,922 for progression and delivery of LBHF’s development Gateway 2 – Planning (RIBA Stages 2+3) & Gateway 3 – Procurement (RIBA Stage 4) for Becklow Gardens, funded from new HRA borrowing.


4.     Approves a project development budget of £1,732,504 for progression and delivery of LBHF’s development Gateway 2 – Planning (RIBA Stages 2+3) & Gateway 3 – Procurement (RIBA Stage 4) for land behind the Grange, funded from new HRA borrowing.


5.     Approves a project development budget of £3,200,724 for progression and delivery of LBHF’s development Gateway 2 – Planning (RIBA Stages 2+3) & Gateway 3 – Procurement (RIBA Stage 4) for Jepson House, funded from new HRA borrowing.


6.     Delegates authority to the Strategic Director for Economy in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal Services and the Director of Finance to approve procurement strategies and appointments of the consultant teams for RIBA stages 2-4 and to take all necessary steps to facilitate the decisions in recommendations 2 - 6 including the completion of any associated legal agreements.