Issue - decisions

Support to providers of social care

01/06/2020 - Support to providers of social care

1.    Appendix 1 is not for publication on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.    To make an urgent decision under the H&F governance arrangements for Covid-19 to ensure business continuity of social care providers and continued delivery of care for H&F residents.


3.    To agree the budgetary provision of Covid-19 additional support to providers of social care services at a total cost of £738,642, for April – June 2020, to be funded from COVID-19 emergency local government grant funding


4.    To authorise the payment to all providers of residential and nursing care placements of an above-budget inflationary increase as an increase of 5% on agreed weekly rates for a period of 3 months, without the need to make a business case for an inflationary increase (where this applies), and for individual care contracts to be varied accordingly.


5.    To note that support for other categories of commissioned care provision is being considered on a case by case basis and this support can include benefits in kind.


6.    To authorise the strategic director of social care to determine the distribution to providers of the remaining budget at paragraph 3 above (after expenditure against paragraph 4), as necessary, following consideration of the circumstances surrounding each service and to recommend the appropriate Covid-19 measure(s) to be implemented by providers accordingly.


7.    Note and ratify that an urgent payment of £35,526.87 has been made to Chiswick Nursing Centre and an urgent payment of £46,382.17 has been made to Nazareth to support the homes in their response to Covid-19 pandemic pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 6 above. The payment was made from the budget of £738,642 sought above.