Issue - decisions

Resident Access and Experience Programme

13/10/2020 - Resident Experience and Access Programme (REAP) - proposed mandate to move to the delivery phase of the programme

That Cabinet:


1.    Approves the detailed business case and delivery plan attached in Appendix 1 for the Resident Experience and Access programme to move from the planning to the delivery stage and complete all further design work required.


2.    Approves the core associated principles that underpin the intended future operating model of service delivery that will be rigorously pursued on a corporate basis and through co-production with a representative range of residents.   


3.    Approves in principle investment of up to £3.6m plus £0.4m contingency from one-off council reserves (up to £4.0m in total), delegating the draw-down of the reserve in line with the programme tranches, to the Director of Finance and the Senior Responsible Officer for the programme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commercial Services and the Cabinet Member for Public Services Reform.


4.    Notes the risk management arrangements put in place for this programme to provide reassurance for the effective use of the programme’s resources and successful delivery of significantly improved services for all its customers at a lower ongoing cost.