Issue - decisions

Major Refurbishment of 1-28, 32-99 and 100-131 Aspen Gardens W6 and Nye Bevan Hall, Aspen Gardens W6

19/12/2019 - Major Refurbishment of 1-28, 32-99 and 100-131 Aspen Gardens and Nye Bevan Hall, Aspen Gardens, W6

That the Cabinet Member for Housing:


1.    Approves the appointment of Mulalley and Company Limited to undertake major refurbishment works to the properties listed in this report for a sum of £2,172,462.00.


2.    Notes that the contract is expected to be awarded on the 8th December 2019 with a contract period of 28 weeks. The project is expected to start on site on the 24th February 2020 with a site completion date of 8th September 2020.


3.    Notes the additional budget requirement of £1,082,462 and a contingency sum of £110,000 will be transferred from budgeted but uncommitted schemes in the quarter 3 capital budget monitor for consideration by Cabinet on 3rd February 2020.


4.    To note that the formal award of contract will not be made until completion of   consultation with affected leaseholders under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.