Issue - decisions


03/12/2019 - Safer Cycle Pathway Route Along King Street & Hammersmith Road And A4 Cycle Highway

1     Approve the principle of a proposed Safer Cycle Pathway route along Hammersmith Road & King Street from Olympia to Goldhawk Road and the proposed Cycle Highway route along the A4 from British Grove to Warwick Road.


2     Delegate authority to the Chief Officer for Public Realm to progress to detailed design and carry out any remaining statutory consultation on the scheme proposals.


3     Delegate authority to the Chief Officer for Public Realm to incorporate into the final design, where possible, feedback from the Residents Commission made up of local residents, business and disabled groups.


4     Delegate authority to the Chief Officer to commit the capital expenditure for the highway improvements works. The main construction works are to be carried out by the Council’s Principal Highways Contractor, F.M Conway Limited, under the existing Term Contract and the scheme will be fully funded by Transport for London (TfL).


5     Authorise the Chief Officer for Public Realm to enter into a Section 278 agreement under the Highways Act 1980, with Transport for London for the highway works.


6     Authorise the Chief Officer for Public Realm to enter into a section 8 agreement under the Highways Act 1980, with neighbouring highway authorities for the highway works as required, with the Council as the highway authority, carrying out the works.


7     Note that the Cabinet Member for the Environment will be kept updated via regular briefing notes during the scheme development.