Issue - decisions

Strategic Investment Pot funding: receipt of grant

08/10/2019 - Approval To Maximise Employment And Skills Support And Funding (Strategic Investment Pot Grant Funding)

1.    To approve the entering into of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ealing council in relation to the receipt of Strategic Investment Pot (SIP) funding through the West London Alliance for the delivery of employment and skills activity for the total value of £448,000; and


2.    To approve match funding from identified S106 funding as follows:


2.1 £400,000 in relation to the SIP funding referred to in 1.1 in the report.


3.     To approve the submission of a further grant application for SIP funding of approximately £500,000 (subject to available funds); and


3.1 In the event that the second application for SIP funding is successful; delegate authority to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ealing Council in relation to the second application for SIP funding;


4.    To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Economy, to agree and finalise the MOU for any successful application for additional funding as referred to in 3.1 above.