Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - Adoption Regionalisation - Adopt London West Regional Adoption Agency

09/07/2019 - Leader's Urgent Decision - Adoption Regionalisation - Adopt London West Regional Adoption Agency

It is recommended that the Leader:


1.            Approves Hammersmith and Fulham Council entering into a regional adoption arrangement, to be known as Adopt London West, with four participating authorities (Brent, Hounslow, Ealing, and Hammersmith and Fulham) identified in this report, and that special guardianship support is included in this arrangement from the outset.


2          Approves London Borough of Ealing hosting Adopt London West.


3          Delegate to the London Borough of Ealing, as host of Adopt West London, the following statutory functions of the Council:

(a) the recruitment of persons as prospective adopters;

(b) the assessment of prospective adopters' suitability to adopt a child;

(c) the approval of prospective adopters as suitable to adopt a child;

(d) decisions as to whether a particular child should be placed for adoption with a particular prospective adopter;

(e) the provision of adoption support services (with the exception of the services listed in paragraph 4.5.5 of the report),

(f) guardianship support services.


4          Delegates authority to the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Education, to take whatever steps are necessary to implement the decisions in this report including but not limited to approving any agreements between the Councils.