Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - Setting a strategy to make a compulsory purchase order (CPO) of land in the Earls Court Opportunity Area

30/04/2019 - Leader's Urgent Decision - Setting a strategy to make a compulsory purchase order (CPO) of land in the Earls Court Opportunity Area

That the Leader approves:


1.    The development of a strategy to acquire land through CPO in the Earls Court Opportunity Area (in section 4).


2.    A waiver from the requirement of seeking three written quotes as set in CSO 23 (Appointment of Consultants) in relation to the appointment Avison Young, on the grounds that this is in the overall interests of the Council.


3.    Approves the appointment of Avison Young to develop the CPO strategy for with officers, as set out in section 4.8 to 4.10 for £7,500 plus VAT.


4.    That it be noted that Officers will submit the CPO strategy report to Cabinet for consideration.