Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - Extension Of Contracts On The Family Support Framework

25/04/2019 - Leader's Urgent Decision - Extension Of Contracts On The Family Support Framework

The Leader is recommended to:


1.    grant a waiver of the usual tendering requirements of the council’s Contract Standing Orders (CSO) on the grounds of extreme urgency and because this is in the Council’s overall interests, as provided for in CSO 3, in relation to the Family Support Framework.


2.    approve an extension of the contracts marked with an asterix (*) in section 4 from 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019 with provision for two further extensions each of three months at the contract prices presented on the Table in section 4.


3.    delegate to the Strategic Director of Social Care & Public Services Reform in consultation with the Director for Children’s Services and the Cabinet Member for Children and Education, the decisions on whether the contract extensions set out in paragraph 2.1.2 should be exercised.