Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - Investigation Into The Circumstances Leading To Sale Of Council Land

28/02/2019 - Leader's Urgent Decision - Investigation Into The Circumstances Leading To Sale Of Council Land

The Leader is recommended to approve:


1.1         A waiver pursuant to Contract Standing Orders (CSO) 3.1 in relation to the competition requirements of CSO 10.2 (to advertise contract and seek quotations or use a framework) to enable the direct award of two separate contracts for provision of investigative services, on the grounds that:


                  (i).        The nature of the market for the services to be provided has been investigated and is demonstrated to be such that a departure from these CSOs is justifiable; and

                 (ii).        it is in the council’s overall interest to pursue this route;


1.2         The award of a contract to Kroll to conduct the investigation at a cost contained in exempt appendix A.


1.3         The award of a contract to KLDiscovery to provide technical, forensic and eDiscovery support to the investigation at a cost contained in exempt appendix A.


1.4         Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services to finalise the terms of both contracts.


1.5         A project budget for the investigation as set out in exempt appendix A and which includes the amounts included in recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 above.